Sunday, June 30, 2024

June is gone too soon...

Just like that June is over.  My spring roses are done and only a few irises remain to bloom.

I have been super busy with lots of little projects.  Pottering around the garden, you might say.
There has been a lot of construction around us this spring.  Every weekend machines and hammering start at about 6:30.   It puts a bit of a damper to coffee on the porch. 
I always regret that I cannot capture the essence of the gardens.  The colors just aren't the same compared to real life.
Those columbine are almost a weed as they are out of control everywhere.   Still, they look fabulous with my Mom's German iris, the bumblebees love them, and the chipmunks love to munch on the seeds.
Or weather has been quite irrational.   One day it is cold and windy.  The next it is scathing hot.  Yesterday I was in a waffle shirt with a wool shirt and jeans.   Today shorts with a tank top.
The iris are almost over, but here are a few photos from last week's symphony of colors.

One last photo of my Harrelsons yellow rose and the Australian Copper.  The copper only blooms about every other year and has no scent.  Unlike the yellow whose smell is intoxicating.  Still, it is worth the wait for the copper's show. 

The peonies are about to begin.  Another flower that smells divine. 
If I remember correctly the dark purple iris is named after the storm.

That is all for me.  What do you have blooming?  What are your favorite flower scents?


  1. Such beautiful flowers, what a lovely garden you have.

  2. Our weather matches yours. At the moment we are inundated with sweet peas

  3. Hi lovely Bonnie! Your flowers are gorgeous! We pulled out corn flowers this morning because they were taking over, but we left lots for the bees. Yes, July! Already! Is it hard to keep running when the hot weather comes?

  4. Whatever you are doing it is coming up roses! Love your gardens so lovely.

  5. Your flowers are beautiful, and your garden looks so peaceful, particularly the shot with the little bench. Day lilies are starting to bloom here. An old fashioned rose is probably one of my favourites, but there are so many scents!

  6. i feel such joy as i see my flowers start to bloom and a little bit of sadness when they die off. your iris are gorgeous!! my hydrangeas are stealing the show in my gardens right now but my butterfly bushes and spirea are quite pretty too!! my favorite flower scent, honeysuckle!!


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