Sunday, October 20, 2024

Trespassers will be composted...

 My big project for the weekend was to spend some compost in my vegetable beds.  I did get a little sidetracked watching the cranes go over.

I put one wheelbarrow full of compost in each of my 4x4 foot beds.   The compost is filled with alfalfa, lawn clippings, leftover kitchen scraps, and leaves.  
I then started filling my pile with leaves.  There are plenty.  Last year they blew away before I could corral them.
I took out the steppingstones and mixed the compost in.  I also pulled out some weeds.  

Here is the finished product.  Rich and waiting to be covered in a blanket of snow.  From the weather forecast it may be awhile before there is any snow.  Not that I am complaining.

 My greenhouse is still hanging on.  I repotted my rosemary, sage, basil, and parsley and brought them in the cabin.  I'm letting the tomatoes, peppers, okra, and Minnesota Midget cantaloupe figure out when they are ready to go.  Production has slowed, but they are still hanging in there.  Have you put your gardens to bed? 


  1. Interesting that you "spend" your compost but then I have heard a gardener describe it as black gold. We need to empty our compost bin of the compost at the bottom. I have a new raised bed it will go into.

  2. I have cut back my gardens and pulled out what doesn't need to be there. I will put compost on very early spring when we still have snow.

  3. It's been soooo long since I've entered blog land, but I'm glad to see you're still at it! I miss it, but I wonder who would read my blog since we aren't farming. We'll see...maybe some day I'll try again.
    But anyway, it's good to "see" you again!

  4. Sorry...I hit publish too soon! I have just started pulling out tomatoes and spent flowers. Hopefully this weekend I will get some rototilling done. I have filled my compost bin almost to the top, but it's not ready to spread on my garden yet.

  5. Love your property! We are not directly under a major crane flyway, but we do have a flock fly over occasionally. It is incredible how far their calls travel.


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