Our summer is flying by. We have kept busy doing a bunch of little things. My husband has been mowing our food plots for the deer. We have put in several trails throughout our property. Since it is so wooded, the trails make things accessible. It also makes it easier to move logs and other things we use for our winter projects.
Our window peepers are back. Every year the Flycatcher family builds their nest on the highest peak of our cabin. Then they spend the summer peeking in our windows. Actually our upper deck is a staging area before they feed the little ones. Still, they do seem to spend a lot of time looking in our door.

The rose bed is at it's peak. The roses are going nuts, the day lilies, delphiniums, and daises all look dapper. I learned from last year that skimping on fertilizer will get you in the end, so I have been diligent this year.
I love delphiniums and roses. Almost as much a delphiniums and peonies. Ah heck, I love everything with delphiniums. They are so stately and their colors are iridescent.
My little round tree bed looks good. It is not a color combination I normally use with the bright yellows and dark maroons. I have been going to a few rummage sales and found this great birdhouse for $5. I put it on the potting bench on the porch until I figured out where I wanted to put it. That darn squirrel tried to modify it for her own personal use. I am less than pleased.
Well, I'll leave you on the porch. As you know my motto is, "coffee on the porch in the morning and lemonade on the porch in the afternoon." I have learned this summer that if you make a bad batch of wine, it goes pretty good with lemonade. I'm sure you are sick of blooms, I go a little overboard since it takes nine months of winter to get here. My next post will be about berries.
Oh I do have to show you another photo of the greenhouse, taken 4 days after the last one on the last post. The pumpkin is almost on the ground. I think it is planning an attack on the strawberry bed. I had to beat them off of the tomatoes this morning. I need to make yet another trip into the chaos with some scissors. My pumpkins are bent on taking over the world, or maybe it is the squash, could be the zucchini, at this point I have no clue, but be afraid out there, be very very afraid.