Sunday, March 27, 2022

One man's trash...

 Earlier this winter, I stumbled across some buried metal at the back of our property.  I marked the area and we went back this weekend with the metal detector.  After quite a bit of digging, it turned out to be an old cook stove. A Rattler No. 9 made sometime between 1879 and 1884 by Dutcher Vose & Adams from Milwaukee Wis.  

I so wish I could put it all together.  I think I could do it.   It was sure a fun way to spend the day.  It makes a person wonder what the past life of this property was.  

What is the coolest thing you've ever found on your property?

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Let's get this party started..

I couldn't wait any longer.  I had to do some outdoor projects.   The weather was halfway decent and we took advantage.  First we stained and set up the wood duck boxes.

We even did a little fishing, but for once we got skunked.  My husband had a nibble and that was it.  Still, it was a beautiful day to sit and enjoy the sun.

I did get a chance to work on this year's graduation quilt.  It is starting to come together.  I need to stop making things up as I go.  It gets complicated.
The greenhouse went from disaster to spectacular in a few hours.  I mixed in some compost and fertilizer.

I planted carrots, lettuce, and pak choi under the bench.  Everything is ready for seedlings.  I think I will start those next week.

It felt good to do some things outside.  It is supposed to snow tonight, but we are coming down the homestretch.  May is a month and a half away.

Have you started gardening yet?

Sunday, March 13, 2022


 I made it through another cold winter week.  We had COVID hit the staff and students at the center making things stressful.  The cold snap didn't help.  Today was actually nice.  Ella and I celebrated.   I celebrated warm weather and Ella celebrated not having to wear her cone.  She had surgery on Tuesday to remove a growth on her leg and eyelid.  

It was a long week for all of us.  Our cabin isn't very big and poor Ella was miserable bouncing off of everything.  Her stitches itched and no matter what she tried to do it was uncomfortable.  
It snowed about every night this week.  It certainly hasn't been warm.  Driving to work has not been fun.
I'm dreaming about gardening, but it will be awhile.  I do enjoy standing in the greenhouse once in awhile and feeling the sun and smelling the earth.  It is a bit of a disaster right now.  I'll tidy it up next month.

I met some friends and co-workers on Saturday.  We enjoyed hot yoga, and afterwards a cup of coffee and some laughs.  It really perked my spirits.  Then to top it off my Jeep was ducked while I got groceries.  If you haven't heard about ducking Jeeps this story explains it better than I could:

I've been ducking Jeeps in the Deadwood area for a year and this is my first duck.  I was overjoyed. 

That is the extent of my week.   I'm happy to say that the cold weather and stressful days were balanced out by the warmth of friendship, a surprise from a stranger, and a cozy cabin with a loving husband.  

What keeps you balanced?

Sunday, March 6, 2022

A diamond in the rough...

 Winter is still here.  We had an icy fog go through and create a frozen glaze topped with 3-4 inches of light and fluffy.  Good thing we didn't have anywhere to go.  We just stayed indoors and enjoyed the beauty.

In the twenty years we have been in our cabin, we have occasionally had brown creepers around.  They have never been on the feeders.  The creepers always stick to the pine trees spiraling up in search for bugs.  This little guy is different.  He is always on the feeders. I love watching him.  He doesn't let the bigger birds push him around.
The turkeys swing by once a day to see what dropped from my feeders.  They are fun to watch as they can put on a show.
On February 12th, the diamond from my wedding ring fell out.  I should have known that after 27 years of marriage the prongs would wear.  I looked high and low for that diamond to no avail.  Still, I didn't stop looking and sure enough I found it today.  It has fallen out when I was putting the dishes away.  I saw a sparkle as I was pulling out a pot.  Lo and behold there it was.  How lucky am I?

That was my weekend in a nutshell.   I did find time to work on my little wooden bucket.  All of the caulk is off and it's sanded.  The only thing left is to finish it with linseed oil.
What adventures have you been up to?  Do you have snow?  What projects are you working on?