I'm afraid I've got next to nothing to report. It has been below 0 for the four days I had off from work. My husband and I went out for breakfast and took a very chilly stroll in Spearfish. Our cheeks were numb, but we still went for a Valentine's Day walk. I also went snowshoeing over the weekend, but there was absolutely nothing to report there. No tracks nothing of interest.

I did a little work on my quilt. Things aren't turning out like they should so I'm pretty irritated with that project. I am frustrated with my computer. I can't leave comments on most of the blogs. It keeps telling me to sign in. I sign in and it still tells me I'm not able to leave comments. The poor basil plant took a dive. It must have been too close to a cold window. I trimmed it way back and can only hope to bring it back from the brink of death. I went to wash my poor salt covered Jeep and the local car wash wouldn't open the doors for me. I can hear the corrosion happening while I drive to and from work. The turkeys have taken over my bird feeders. So my poor jays, nuthatches, and chickadees can eat, everything is hanging haphazardly on the porch. After a while, the turkeys figure out how to get to them and then I have to move them again. My windows are full of handprints where I have been banging on the windows to chase them away.
My only positive is I was stuck in the house with my husband. I am so thankful for him. We are both going stir crazy but have managed to not get on each other's nerves. In fact, it's been the opposite we giggle around like school kids. We've watched old movies, played cribbage, made meals, moved snow and keep asking each other when will spring get here.
I hope you are all staying sane. I've read the weather is pretty crummy everywhere. Wish I could comment. How do you keep from going crazy when the weather inhibits activity?