Sunday, June 2, 2019


It felt so good to garden this weekend.  It has been a long couple of weeks.  I just needed to put all my energy into something productive. I gardened until I could garden no more, then I watered.
 Ella seems to be admiring the lights.  I think those have been one of my best purchases ever.  They really add a feeling of calm to the cabin.

 My favorite display is always the primroses and daffodils.
 I decided to put all of my herbs on the deck.  This will be handier, but I may change my mind if it ever gets hot.

That is the sum of my weekend.  All I have left is to plant my corn and beans.  I should have done it this weekend, but I completely ran out of steam.  I hope you all had a grand weekend.  Were you able to get outside?  If so what did you do?


  1. I bet you couldn't wait after all that snow!

  2. Good for you. I think gardening is very therapeutic. I managed to get out both Saturday and Sunday - still just weeding, no planting yet. -Jenn

  3. How awesome, it felt like it took me forever to get my corn and beans in the ground. You are almost there.
    The pictures are wonderful and so are your lights.
    Have a great week.

  4. Your garden is looking great - especially without all that white stuff laying around :-) We were gone to an event for the weekend so came back and mowed/weed-eated yesterday in the hottest part of the day - erg.


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