Sunday, December 17, 2023

Oh Christmas Tree...

I'm afraid there isn't much to talk about this week.  I've been super busy getting ready for Christmas.  We finished shopping, cards will be sent tomorrow, and the work Christmas party is out of the way. 

I've been too busy to take any pictures, so I will post this video my wonderful husband sent me while I was in DC.

It is amazing how much more enjoyable the holidays are when you are able to get things cleared off of the Christmas list.  Do you have a Christmas list?  Are you getting things checked off? 


  1. I have most everything checked off my list. I even have them wrapped.
    I love having time to accomplish everything i need to with fun thrown in.

  2. Just a Christmas card list and a menu for food,

  3. Because we had an earlier gathering, pretty much everything is crossed off the list. It's a good feeling, and not one I'm familiar with, haha! -Jenn


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