Sunday, February 9, 2025

Making tracks....

 Things are starting to look up.  At work, we have one out of the two water heaters working, pumps are replaced, and a leak has been identified and will hopefully be easier to fix than first anticipated.  It has been a true test for all of us as a team.  I'd like to think we have passed.  It is pretty stressful having students and staff depending on you to make the right decisions and you have a monster cold. 

Also, my thoughts are moving towards spring.  My seeds have arrived, and I am elated.  A few more months before I start them indoors, but I am ready.  I went through my stash and was surprised at what I had left from last year.  

Of course, I went snowshoeing again this weekend.  I don't go anywhere fancy.  I just head out the door.  To me it is exciting to see what is going on in our neighborhood. 
We have two coyotes.  They make a weekly trek on our ridge.  Here is there trail.
My favorite is the little mouse trails.  As long as they aren't around the cabin.  
There are always turkey tracks.  Easy to identify.
This is a little trickier.  It is where a ruffed grouse hunkered down during a snowstorm.  They let the snow cover them and stay cozy and warm.  The black dots are snow fleas. This cave was from a while ago.

These are the tracks that have me baffled.  They are either a pine martin or mink.  They wandered back and forth on our ridge.  I think it is a pine martin since it went from pine tree to pine tree.  They were super fresh, so I was really hoping I would come across it on my travels. No luck.
Here are my tracks. I am happy to report there were no mountain lion tracks.  I always carry a gun just in case. 
I made a little trail for my husband.  A tribute to Valentine's Day. 
I made a lemon cobbler to try and stave off the winter blues.  It turned out pretty good. 

Magic Lemon Cobbler

The magic happens when you layer a tangy-sweet lemon pie filling over a rich buttermilk cobbler batter in your baking dish.
5 from 2 votes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 15minutes 
Cook Time: 55minutes 
Total Time: 1hour  10minutes 



  • Preheat oven to 350°F. Place butter in a 9×9 inch baking dish and melt in preheated oven for 3-4 minutes until fully melted. Remove from oven.
  • In a bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar.
  • Whisk in the buttermilk, vanilla, and lemon extract (if using) until a smooth batter forms.
  • Pour the batter evenly over the melted butter in the baking dish (do not stir).
  • Spoon the lemon pie filling or lemon curd evenly over the batter.
  • Bake for 45-55 minutes until puffed and golden brown around the edges.
  • Remove from oven and let cool slightly. The lemon filling will be a pudding on the bottom!
  • Serve warm, topped with whipped cream, ice cream, lemon slices, powdered sugar, or desired toppings.

Magic Lemon Cobbler  
That is it for me.  I cannot tell you what a relief it is to have January and all of the water issues behind me.  I am looking forward to starting seeds.  I know I have a while, but it is nice to look forward to something.  What are you looking forward to?  Do you have all your seeds in order?


  1. We are looking forward to a brief respite in Florida starting tomorrow.
    I also plan to order some seeds soon as I have a raised bed for the first time to plant some peas and lettuce in.

  2. We have more snow and cold coming in tomorrow night. I have only been on snowshoes once this year so far. And we have plenty of snow.
    The cobbler looks wonderful, but I never met a lemon I didn't like.

  3. Just looking forward to some more sunny days. I love the pattern your snowshoes make, so pretty. Very occasionally I miss having a garden. That's why I'm thankful to be able to enjoy yours!

  4. Love all those tracks! Yes, seedy time is coming.

  5. We had minks on our allotment site that savaged lots of chickens. The owners were devastated.


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