Sunday, April 15, 2012

Projects progress?

My worms are doing grand.  They are eating leftovers like crazy.  I have so many now that I set a few free in the greenhouse next to the heirloom tomato plants.  They are happy worms.  

 Another project that was moving quickly, was the clearing of some trees next to us.  It has been amazing what a difference it makes clearing things out.  Since our falls are predominately yellow, gold, and green, we plan on planting some red maples.

We making good progress, until it snowed this weekend.   It has been down to the low 30's and the greenhouse is holding tough. 

I didn't get to do much except spring cleaning this weekend.  I shouldn't be too surprised as it is only April.  Usually we have snow until the end of May.  Hope everyone else had a productive gardening weekend.


  1. Crazy weather! My sister said it's been in the upper 70s during the day and down in the 20s at night. I've never seen that kind of fluctuation in temperatures.
    I love your happy little worms. XOXO

  2. What great progress!! I'm glad your worms are doing well too--I have to say, I thought of you a couple of days ago when someone else said they were doing the same thing with pretty good success too! I'm glad you're enjoying spring--Summer is on the way to us this week.

  3. I would agree that you've been making great progress on your must be busy, busy, busy! Glad your worms are happy!:)

  4. Wow! You got snow again. I figured for sure you were done with that. What a bummer. I hope it melts real quick.

  5. Like the worm project. I think I need to do that. We're in the middle od Spring projects at my house also.

  6. 77 and sunny on Saturday here and I spent the day raking leaves. Then the snow came on Sunday. Yuck. At least we didn't get any accumulation as you appeared to! I think us zone 3 gardeners must have the most resilient spirits! :)

  7. Jeff got the sprinkler system set up for my garden and we made plans to mount rain gutters on the back of the garden shed for some of the shallower plants like raddishes/lettuce/spinich etc...
    I am so excited to get to garden this summer!!
    I moved a few plants that needed more sun. It wasn't any too warm but the sun felt good. That's the gardening that we did this weekend.

  8. I don't see where you are located. What a contrast between the top two photos. I must admit the greenhouse looks so precious under the blanket of snow. I ADORE your header that your cabin?

  9. Wow snow it is dry dry dry here and I am afraid our cows are going to be missing the new shoots of grass that have appeared when they burn off. Strange weather indeed.
    Love those little mulch machines. B

  10. What absolutely crazy weather. Can't wait to see what projects unfold for you this summer!

  11. Great pictures, love seeing happy worms, too!

  12. The garden looks lovely framed by all those trees.

  13. Ah ha! I see the clearing. Let the great barn raising commence! :) I'm so glad you've got your cozy green house to keep all your seedlings happy and growing. I will truly be shocked if you get snow in May. Honestly. I know you say it happens but wow, that would really piss me off. lol. Cheers, Jenni

  14. Every time I move a pot I find worms under it, I've been moving them to my gardens.
    The area you will be planting with some maples will sure be stunning once they are all aglow.
    Snow, gosh I'd be upset if we still had snow! Could be why I moved away from it, although I do like the snow.


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