Sunday, September 17, 2023

Thirty eight feet...

I've been deep cleaning our bedroom.  We are getting a new bed on Friday.  At this point we are referring to our old bed as the torcher rack.  Between my husband's back and my shoulders,  I don't know how much longer we can wait. 

The deer are everywhere.  From big bucks to little fawns.
This little fella seems to think he owns the place. He is pretty  bold.
The bedroom has needed a good cleaning, but as you know, one thing leads to another.   I have several house plants (about 40).  Quite a few of them are vines that start upstairs and wander throughout the cabin.  
They also needed needed hosed off. I figured the best way to do it was to take them outside.  I've alway wondered how long they were, so now was the perfect time to measure them. My Heartleaf Philodendron has been in the cabin since the day we moved in.  In 20 years she came in at a whopping 38 feet.   If you look hard you can see me at the end.
Do you see my beautiful Hoya?  It is called a Hundu's rope.  I've had it for 25 years and she has reached seven feet.  She is such a beautiful plant and an easy keeper.  A lady at a store gave me three little starts.  I always have a few starts rooting, so I  can pay it forward.
It was a short weekend.  Did you have any adventures? 


  1. Wow, that's a nice buck. We are seeing some around the place but not as large as that one. My Mom had a long Philodendron vine that I used to bind together weavers in a basket I made. Then I gave the basket to her which she loved. I hope you enjoy your new bed.

  2. Beautiful deer pictures. I'e never heard fo a HUndus rope - does ot flower like other hoyas?

  3. Hi Bonnie! Isn't deep cleaning enlightening? LOL! I always think "how could it get this bad?" I'm sure your dust bunnies weren't as big as mine! I hope the new bed is wonderful!

  4. Wow, how do you even attempt to get a 38' vining plant outside?! Good job, especially the hose-off (I have prevailing winds that come right through our house, so lots of dust/dirt). Congrats on a new bed, I'm sure it will feel great.

  5. How on earth did you get a 38' plant outdoors, let alone clean it and put it back?
    I hope the new bed arrived safely and that you are enjoying a peaceful nights sleep.

  6. awesome captures of the deer and the buck, i have been seeing them everywhere as well. your plants are huge and beautiful...
    i enjoy deep cleaning until i am about half way done, then, not as much!!
    we have been out some. flower farms, festivals and farmers markets. outings like that!!

  7. I can only shake my head on how you managed to take that plant outside.

  8. How fortunate that I stopped by your blog just at this time, when you are mentioning your hoya plant and even picturing it. This week something jogged my memory to the hoya I used to have, which was a cutting from my mother-in-law's plant. It was so beautiful, and hung in a perfect place in the living room of our old house, where it got enough sun to make its unbelievable flowers. But I could not remember the name of it! All I needed was to come here and my unasked question was answered.

    I'm amazed by the thought of your plants growing all the way downstairs. Amazed and happy. Thank you for sharing the fun.


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