Sunday, November 19, 2023

Now we know why...

 We have a couple of game cameras set up on our property.   This summer we have had a mountain lion stroll through once a week.   It is unusual to have one stay in one area for such a long time.

Now we know why...

Yikes!  She is going to be busy having 4 cubs to feed. It certainly explains why we see this in our yard daily. 

I guess they feel safer close to the cabin.

Life is always full of surprises. Just when you think you have something pegged it takes an unexpected turn.  Any surprises for you lately?


  1. For some reason it says that the video is unavailable.

  2. So much beauty and joy surrounds you.

  3. awwwwww, the cubs must be adorable, but i am sure mom is very protective. i was able to watch the video and see them. smart deer to keep it's distance, and what a beautiful sunset?? sunrise?? i am surprised every day but many magnificent things!!

  4. That is a big cat I walk a lot that would scare me

  5. Wow, kittens! I am glad you don't have chickens. I think its good/cool/ scary. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  6. How amazing to have those cubs so near to you, lovely but I wouldn't like my little dog near them!


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