Sunday, July 28, 2024

How the little family has grown...

 Do you remember our surprise last November when we realized why we kept seeing the same lion once a week?

Well, it seems her little ones have grown in size, but not temperament. 

As you can see they are still very playful. 
These have to be brother and sisters.  If you look, after she jumps a pair of eyes pop up In the grass.
The one in front is the mom.  At least one of her little ones is still sticking close.  The little one went back and forth 3 more times after this.  I guess it was checking everything out.  We won't be taking any nighttime walks here.

I hope you enjoy the videos.  Have a fabulous week.   Thank you for all the well wishes on my new job.


  1. How splendid to see such amazing wildlife. It quite puts our foxes and badgers in the shade!

  2. Now is that a mountain Lion? I have never seen one in the wild.


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