Monday, September 2, 2024


 It was a very productive weekend.  I got my yearly peck of peaches.  They were juicy and flavorful, as usual.  I spent the whole day canning.  In the end: 6 jelly jars of peach salsa, 6 pint jars of honey spiced peaches, 10 jelly jars of vanilla peach jam, 8 little jelly jars of maple whisky peach jam, 3 pint jars of peach syrup, 4 bottles of pineapple wine. Can't forget I also made a peach cobbler that is unbeatable. 

I was exhausted by the end of it.  I started at 9:00am and finished at about 8:00pm.  It was fulfilling to use tomatoes and peppers from the garden for the salsa.  Speaking of the garden, I had another wonderful Minnesota Midget cantaloupe.  I absolutely love these little buggers.
The banana peppers are producing like crazy.  My bumble bee tomatoes aren't ripening as fast as I would like.  Luckily, I had enough for salsa.  The okra is also doing good.  Okra is quickly becoming one of my favorite vegetables.

If that wasn't enough, today I harvested my sweetgrass from my little patch.  I got 14 bundles.  I think that is the most I have ever had.  I cannot describe the smell.  It is heavenly.  
That is all I have for this weekend.  It truly was Labor Day for me.  I cannot wait to go back to work and relax.  Ha.  What did you do for your Labor Day weekend?


  1. Wow, what an accomplishment getting all your peach goodies jarred-up. Fantastic that you have a garden at all, and that it is producing. Kudos. I do love peach cobbler!

  2. I was no where near as productive as you were. We mainly visited with friends most of the weeked.
    I love sweet grass what will you do with it I have native american sweet grass baskets. If you scratch the inside you still can smell it.

  3. You can grow peaches even with all your snow!

  4. Such beautiful bounty.......a lot of hard work, but so well worth it!

  5. Lovely vegetables and how wonderful that you preserve and make such wonderful use of it all!


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