Sunday, August 25, 2024

 Not a lot of chit chat this post as we have company.   Yes, the photo below is of hail.  The hail netting held.

My great pumpkin.  A little battle scarred.

We took the 1880 train today.  It is always a nice trip.  

Hope you had a good week.   Ours was filled with family, food, and adventures. 


  1. Wow these hailstones are incredible

  2. A week filled with family, food, and adventures is a good week! How neat the train looks. My goodness you have such lovely flowers! and how I love that pumpkin! So glad your hail netting held......hail is something I always dread. Keep enjoying!

  3. Who needs chit chat with pictures like these...each one is worth a thousand words. Wow!

  4. Agree with Hill Top Post...a picture is worth a thousand words. Fun train ride, beautiful flowers, and OUCH on the size of that hail!


Sit on my porch and let's chat. Due to the amount of spam I am closing my comments to Anonymous users. Sorry.