Sunday, March 16, 2025

It started innocent enough...

It started innocent enough.  The local winery is closing.  Not just any winery the Prairie Berry.  The very reason I started making wine.  I had their Red Current Honey Wine and fell in love with berry wines.  You know when you are getting old when you see businesses start and end.  The Prairie Berry was somewhere I always took visitors when they came to the hills.  I am pretty sad to see them go.  

My husband knows my feelings about the place, so when we saw they were selling their wine barrels for $50 he snuck down there to surprise me.  Surprise me he did.  He did not come back with some little $50 wine barrel.  He operates by the theory go big or go home.  In this case he went big and still came home.  He wants to make it into a bathroom vanity.  Problem: It won't fit through the door.  I'm sure we will figure something out.  For now it graces our porch.  It holds 132 gallons and called a puncheon. 

It was nice this weekend and I got to enjoy some hot cocoa outside by our little fire table.  I can't say how much I enjoyed just sitting outside watching the chipmunks freshly out of hibernation.  
I also drove over to Gillette to see my nieces rodeo.  I'm so proud of them.  They can drive a fully loaded horse trailer like it was nothing.  Practice and take care of their horses all while going to college.  They set up camp at the rodeos.  Ride hard.  Know everyone on the rodeo circuit and still take time to sit and visit with their crazy aunt Bonnie.  I brought them a bunch of cookies.  I love this photo a professional photographer took.  Her sister mentioned that they were unable to capture her leading them to the gate.  It is wonderful how they support each other. 

I managed to throw my back out this weekend, but I was determined to not let that stop me from our weekly walk in Spearfish.  I took a hot shower, did some yoga, took ibuprofen, and rubbed it with some sort of snake oil they were giving away at a conference I was recruiting at.  It all worked.  My husband and I did 3.25 miles in our fastest time ever 18-minute miles.  The ducks were gone today, so I guess they weren't decoys.  I can't move now, but it was worth it.  
I have done a terrible job of taking sunrise, sunset, and moon photos.  I've seen some real beauties lately but have never had the camera ready or was driving on the interstate.  I even saw the blood moon and didn't get a picture.  I'm slipping. 
I don't know much else.  It was a super busy weekend, but a good busy.  I got to see family and spend time with my wonderful husband who spoils me.  Do you have a memento from a business or a place that you frequented?  What is it?  


  1. Great pictures! Especially love the fire one. Sounds like you've made some good memories. That!

  2. What a fun and busy weekend you had, I sure did enjoy reading about it. Your area is so beautiful and the cabin's porch w/fire table looks like a great place to have a cup. We had temps in the 80's the other day which means I'd better start getting the freezers cleared out ~ pretty soon we'll be heading out west for the summer. Don't despair, spring will pop for you in a minute.

  3. Well that's a big surprise! How thoughtful of your husband. And how nice that he goes for walks with you. Too bad about your back. I hope it feels better soon! -Jenn

  4. Sorry to read about your back. Will therapeutic massage help?


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