Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sunshine on my shoulders...

 It has finally warmed up here.  We went to Spearfish to walk on the trails, and they were filled with people.  Everyone was enjoying the 50-degree day.  

Even the ducks were dozing in the sunshine.  It felt nice to be out without worrying about slipping on ice or not being able to feel your face due to the cold.
My niece in Minnesota made my favorite blueberry muffins.  It makes me happy we can share a love for baking.  She even made some with raspberries in them.  
This isn't the best picture.  I should have smoothed everything out.  I'm still plugging away on the quilt.  Everything is ready, so next weekend I should be quilting.  
We were pretty busy this weekend making railings for our staircase, quilting, walking, and even went to visit a friend for her birthday.  It was a nice visit.  Before I knew it the weekend was over.  
I am super happy to have warm weather and sunshine.  It is supposed to snow on Tuesday, so we enjoyed it while we could. What did you do with your weekend?  What is your favorite muffin?  Hope you are also enjoying sunshine. 

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