Sunday, July 23, 2023

A Riot of Colors...

I made a bee waterer this weekend.

It was actually quite simple.  Poke some holes in the top of a pickle jar.  Fill it with water, and turn it upsidedown on a bed of pebbles.  The pebbles keep the bees from drowning.
The bees haven't found it yet, but it looks like it will work.

My hummingbird has been coming consistently to the flowers and feeder.  I also have a small hummingbird moth that swings through now and again.

Everything is blooming like crazy.  It is a riot of colors.  This is what I dream about all winter long.

The camera will never be able to capture the vividness of the rose bed.

My vegetables are going right to town.  Of course we haven't had any hail since buying the netting.
These clouds teased us this week, but I'm afraid we aren't going to see any rain for awhile.
How are your gardens?  I'm getting peas, lettuce, asparagus, and carrots.  Are your flowers at their peak? 


  1. The colours in your garden are just so beautiful. I like that bee waterer, too. -Jenn

  2. With all the glory of those various blooms in your memory, no wonder you daydream of them over the winter. So beautiful! Very clever idea for the bee waterer, and I'm jealous of your fresh veg garden. Enjoy! Linda

  3. Now it's started raining here now it doesn't want to stop. Love the day lily.

  4. Your gardens are incredible this time of year. I bet you can't stand to be in the house. I am picking tomatoes like crazy. I have been canning too, so is my chamomile. Its been a lovely summer. I am so glad you haven't had any hail.

  5. Everything is beautiful! I wish my yard looked like yours!

    Grace & Peace,

  6. I smiled when I read, "This is what I dream about all winter long." Well, you are definitely living out your dreams now for your gardens are absolutely beautiful. Your color combos are perfect.

  7. I am in awe of your garden. It must smell amazing. My tiny front garden is blooming well at the moment so I will be content with that.

  8. Getting ready to do a post showing what's in bloom here. Never heard of a bee waterer. I made a bee hotel but haven't figured out how to mount it.


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