Sunday, July 16, 2023

Close up of a butterfly...

 If any of you have ever tried to photograph a butterfly you know it isn't a simple endeavor.  They don't sit still and they can see you coming from a mile away.  

Can you believe these colors?
I couldn't stop taking pictures.  
It was breathtaking.  Yes, it was alive.  Occasionally it moved.  Eventually it flew away.  I guess like everyone it just needed a break.
I was thankful to be able to enjoy it up close.  It is rare to have one sit still for that long.

My chamomile was blooming like crazy.  I picked it and have it drying for tea and hair rinse.
My roses are extremely vivid.  The bees cannot resist.  The whole rose bed a constant buzz.

I have never been able to grow daylililies, but my mother-in-law gave these to me several years ago and they bloom faithfully every year.  They are quite pretty.

A friend of mine was selling this amazing birdbath at the Spearfish Festival in the Park.  She is a talented potter and I had to have it.  I love the details and how delicate it is.  I've been looking for a birdbath since hail destroyed my last one several years ago.  This is perfect.  
  It was a great weekend for friends.  My friend from college and I traditionally attend the festival.  While our husbands relaxed at their campsite, we enjoyed seeing everyone's talents.  We had a delicious meal.  It was great spending time together.
The next day we attended the wedding of a friend's son.  The best part was the Anniversary Dance.  All married couples are asked to get on the dance floor.  During the dance the announcer asks all couples married less than five years to leave the floor, then 10 years or less, then 15 or less, 20 or less and so on.  The groom's grandparents were the last ones on the floor as they were married for 69 years.  Now that is beautiful.

Overall, we had a pretty social weekend.  It was nice.  Excellent food, great friends, and new things to see.

I hope you had a productive weekend filled with friends and laughter.  



  1. The butterfly is gorgeous. I usually set my camera to burst to photograph insects to give me a better chance of success. The camera does allow us to see detail that we miss with the naked eye.

  2. So many beautiful flowers, and the gathering sounds like a great time. I love the birdbath, it should be super easy to clean.

  3. the butterfly is beautiful and so is the birdbath such a lovely color.
    You had a very social weekend that sounds such fun

  4. What a lovely birdbath! I love those colors too. You must get huge hail!! This year my chamomile has been crazy. I pick it every other day and I have almost a full quart jar of dried flowers. I am so proud of it this year. You pictures of your butterfly is lovely. They are hard to photograph. It sounds like you had a very nice weekend.
    Wow!! 69 years!! That is awesome. I love that. We have been married 43 and I am so thankful for that.

  5. oh my goodness.......69 years together and on the dance floor! Wonderful! What a fun weekend it sounds to be. Your butterfly photos are stunning! Such a lovely butterfly and your flowers are so lovely!

  6. You're braver than me getting so close to a butterfly. For some reason they totally freak me out!! Your wedding get together sounds lovely. 69 years together. I though I was doing well at 29.


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