Sunday, October 29, 2023

Bird is the word...

What a perfect week.  We did get snow, which is a bit of a drat.  The flurries weren't so bad, as it was the first cold weather of the fall.  I won't lie, it was nice to snuggle under the covers as the snow fell.

I worked on my next graduation quilt, sorted harvested seeds, and cleaned out my closet.   
Since my birthday is this month, I went in for my annual tune up:  doctor, dentist, eye, and mammogram.  I even got a COVID vaccination.  Looks like I'm good for another year.  I celebrated my health with wine and dark chocolate truffles.  Probably not the healthiest way to  celebrate, but my next appointment is in a year so I have time to clean up my act.
I kept the bird feeders full, and did some indoor bird watching. 

There was even a magpie today, but I wasn't fast enough to get a photo.   
My husband and I were lucky enough to celebrate our 29th anniversary this week.  He made me an amazing birthday cake and the best steaks ever.  I am so thankful to be married to such a thoughtful man and fabulous chef.  It is a good life and I couldn't be happier. 
Have you had snow yet? What birds are you seeing?  What do you have to celebrate?


  1. What was that large bird on the railing at the feeder? Turkey vulture?

    1. A very annoying turkey! She is looking a lot like Thanksgiving dinner if she doesn't keep off of the deck.

  2. Happy birthday and anniversary. We have Bern unusually warm and today some sleet. We haven't put our feeder out yet the bears are no sleeping yet.

  3. Snow already! I always feel sorry for wildlife when it is so cold. T=You have a lovely variety if birds.

  4. We've had a couple of grouse in our yard lately. Odd in the hills but pretty cool. I'm excited to see the how the quilt comes together!

  5. Oh you have snow already. We are lucky if we get it every other year!!. I saw a great spotted woodpecker the other day but don't get many birds now after the neighbours cut all the tree down.
    Happy Birthday when it gets here :0)

  6. Great job on your bird photos. We had a heavy frost on Halloween, but it will be back in the 80s for most of the coming week. I look forward to seeing the latest graduation quilt.


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