Monday, October 2, 2023


 It was an amazing fall weekend and I had a cold.  Bleh...

How are the colors where you are?


  1. We are slowly turning from summer into autumn. I could sit in your garden and admire the colours all day. It looks so peaceful.

  2. I hope this finds that you are over your cold and feeling better. Your photos are so lovely. You asked if the bush in my last post was a Buffalo Berry bush? Actually, no, it is a Texas has dark blue berries that the wild birds enjoy. I think the berries are not for human consumption. I have boiled the berries to make a die.......thinking I would get a lovely blue color......but they surprised me by giving me a maroon color.

  3. Hi Bonnie! I love your log home! I'm so sorry you have a cold. Boo! I read your previous post, too. I started blogging in 2009 because it looked fun and it IS fun, right? I didn't mean to document things but it is nice to see how the grands have changed! The Northern Lights? How lovely! Get well, friend.

  4. Our trees are just beginning to turn colour


Sit on my porch and let's chat. Due to the amount of spam I am closing my comments to Anonymous users. Sorry.