Sunday, October 13, 2024


 Mother Nature won the art contest this week. Her use of colors was breathtaking. 

Were you lucky enough to see the Northern lights this week?

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Autumn is amoung us...

While we were gone, our game cameras caught 3 different mountain lions roaming our property.  We figured something was up and sure enough, there is a deer kill behind the cabin.  They ate what they wanted and now the scavengers are getting their share.  We have magpies everywhere.  

Sorry the picture quality isn't the best.  I was taking photos from the game camera video.  I'm sure these are the yearling mountain lions from the cubs we caught on camera in November.

Despite their presence, we do not want for deer, turkeys, or grouse.  These bucks practiced some sparring in the yard this morning.  I was able to sit on the porch and enjoy the show while sipping my coffee.  Funny it doesn't bother them if I am in a bright red robe, drinking coffee, and taking photos, but put some camouflage on and sit quietly in the woods and you would think you had a blow horn. 
I harvested my carrots, peppers, and tomatoes.  These carrots were giving each other a hug.  I had probably the biggest carrots I've ever grown this year. I really missed Ella sitting in front of the greenhouse waiting for her payment of a carrot or tomato every time I went in and out.  
This my last rose of the year.  She is beautiful.  Things are very dry here.  I don't remember the last time we had a rain.  
It is autumn, as today the sandhill cranes went over in droves.  There is nothing that brings more joy to my heart than to hear them calling and watching them ride the wind currents in big loopy circles and then before you know it, they are out of sight.  I am so glad we got to see them this spring.  I waved and wished them well on their journey.  
What is your tell-tale sign that it is autumn?  Is it a sound? sight? or smell?

Sunday, September 29, 2024

The joys of life...

My husband and I had a wonderful adventure this last week.  We went bear hunting in Northome, Minnesota about an hour north of Bemidji.  
The "hunting shack" was beautiful.  It was a little log cabin built by the brother of my husband's friend.  He is one hell-of-a carpenter, because it was perfect.  The bed was soft and warm.  The cabin was cozy.  I didn't even mind the outhouse.  You just had to watch where the giant wolf spider was before you got down to business.  We did not get a bear, but it was still a wonderful adventure. Our host was more than accommodating and the week was filled with stories and laughter.

We came home to turkeys galore in our yard.  The last 4 days they have just been strutting and gobbling their fool heads off.  We have seen at least 3 different mountain lions on our game cameras, but they sure aren't putting a dent in the turkey population. 

This is supposed to be the peak of the colors in Spearfish Canyon, so we went leaf peeping today.  We were super excited to see many mountain goats.  They were more than obliging for photos opportunities.  The problem is there were too many tourists in the way.
I don't know how they do it.  It was 92 degrees today and they were in full fur.  They looked like fuzz balls.  Poor things were also covered in burrs.  Despite that, they seemed pretty content.
Back to the bear hunt.  My husband did see this little teddy bear during the day.  The big bears came out after dark.  Not only did he see this fella, but he also heard wolves.  I'm a little jealous.  I saw lots of skunks, was swarmed by racoons, and saw wolf tracks.  You may ask was I scared walking back in the dark.  I was, but not of bears or wolves.  I was scared I would wander into a skunk.  
I was impressed with the number of eagles, geese, and sandhill cranes.  It was supposed to be grouse country, but the only grouse we saw was when we got home. 
This beauty posed perfectly for a photo.  He was scoping out our crabapple tree when we got home.

This is the skunk filled cornfield I sat in. There is nothing like sitting quietly for 4 hours to fill your soul with peace.  
 The Northern Minnesota landscape was really breathtaking.  There was more farming than I had anticipated.  Corn, alfalfa, and soybeans.  We even hunted by a potato patch.  I managed to find a few leftover potatoes but forgot them when we left.

We had a great start to our adventure, as we stayed in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota on the drive out.  We just picked a hotel, and it happened to be on a lake.  They were wonderful.  There was a walking path around the lake that highlighted the natural watershed planted.  The hotel also had a s'mores bar from 8:00-9:00.  What a treat. 
There were many monarch butterflies around.  I had never seen that many.  Also quite a few small brown chirpy birds that I could never identify.
Traveling sure makes a person wonder.  A cabin on a lake in Northern Minnesota would be very fulfilling.  Yet, our little cabin in the woods isn't too shabby either.  The thing is joy is where you find it.  I'm inclined to believe anywhere is as peaceful and relaxing as you make it.  
What are your thoughts?  Is there somewhere you dream of retreating too?  Are you content with your own little piece of the world?  Where do you find your joy?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Always something to keep me busy...

 Our Harrelson apple had an amazing crop this year.  Unfortunately, the apples were hailed on twice and pretty scarred up.  Luckily, the Zestar also had a great crop, and I was able to use those to freeze apples for pies and crisp.  

The apples had to be picked, because they were harming the tree.  Also, the turkeys were landing in the trees breaking branches as they were trying to get to the apples.  What does one do with two bushels of apples? 
I made hard apple cider and apple cider.  Out of 2 bushels I ended up with 4 gallons of apple juice.  I cut up the apples and boiled them, then used the fruit press to eke out the last of the juice.  The best part was I could do it outside and when I was done, just hose everything off.

My flowers are looking pretty good.  I got this geranium on sale for $2.50.  It is fabulous.  My Grandma used to have red geraniums in the windowsills of her classroom.  I will always remember that.   

I am in shock that the deer haven't munched this bed down to nothing.  They love sedum and usually eat my black-eye-Susan's before they bloom.  All I can think is they aren't eating the flower heads.  I keep spraying them diligently with smelly deer repellent.  

The acorn crop this year is absolutely nuts (pun intended).  The oaks are loaded, and the ground is covered.  I've never seen so many.  
The deer are under this oak every morning.  I'm sure the acorns taste good since the lawn has been fertilized and watered.
It isn't just the deer, the turkeys have also been regular visitors.  It is fun to watch the fawns play with the turkeys.  Once in a while, even a doe will get in on the fun.

I don't have much else to share.  I was pretty busy with all of those apples.  The beekeeper came and thought my hives will end up with over 100 lbs. of honey.  That is tremendous.  

What do you do with your apples?  Did you have any big fall harvest projects this weekend?