Usually I get a week with my nieces, but they have so many things going on we only had 3 days. You can pack a lot into three days. I picked them up at the rodeo. A wet rodeo it was. It was pretty cool to go back to a place where I had raced many a barrel. I saw a lot of people I knew.
I love the photo above, because Taylor's mom, her sisters, and brother are in he background. Below is Sierra's pole run.
It is tradition to stop somewhere and take photos on the way home. This year I knew the theme had to be sweet clover, as it was everywhere.
There is something very peaceful about driving across the South Dakota prairie.
This year's project was horseshoe art. The girls did a great job, but I forgot to take a photo of them with the finished product. This year's big adventure was tubing. We didn't have an air compressor, so we fit five filled tubes and four excited girls in the Jeep. It was a challenge to say the least. I'm not going to lie, it was quiet scary. There were waterfalls and poison ivy. Somehow we lived and had fun. It will definitely be on the list for next year. I do think I will have a life jacket for the smaller ones.
Baking is always a part of our time together. One night we had a cookie backing competition. Uncle Kelly was the judge. We had several categories. It was a lot of fun and the cookies turned out grand. On the last day we made jam, gummies, salted banana pie, and sour cream peach pie. The oldest loves my lasagna recipe and always helps when I make a batch. Of course, we went hiking. We drove up a 4-Wheeling Jeep trail. I am happy to say the girls never questioned my choice of roads or driving. When we got to the top we hiked to a fire look-out. I really wish I had taken a photo of the lookout.
The fishing was hilarious. That is the biggest fish we caught. Funny thing is the girls made such a ruckus whenever they caught one of the little sunnies that pretty soon every fisherman on the lake was edging towards us. One finally had to come see our haul. I doubt he was impressed with our 7 sunnies. We sure had fun. We also played a lot of giant Jenga, bean bag toss, and even a board game. We were pretty wore out after three days. I always look forward to time with the nieces. I worry the older ones won't have fun, but they still seem to enjoy our forays. Next year the littlest boy gets to come. I still haven't figured out where I'm going to put him in the Jeep.
Do you have a summer family tradition? Did you spend a week with somebody? What is your favorite summer family memory?

I love the photo above, because Taylor's mom, her sisters, and brother are in he background. Below is Sierra's pole run.
It is tradition to stop somewhere and take photos on the way home. This year I knew the theme had to be sweet clover, as it was everywhere.
There is something very peaceful about driving across the South Dakota prairie.
This year's project was horseshoe art. The girls did a great job, but I forgot to take a photo of them with the finished product. This year's big adventure was tubing. We didn't have an air compressor, so we fit five filled tubes and four excited girls in the Jeep. It was a challenge to say the least. I'm not going to lie, it was quiet scary. There were waterfalls and poison ivy. Somehow we lived and had fun. It will definitely be on the list for next year. I do think I will have a life jacket for the smaller ones.
Baking is always a part of our time together. One night we had a cookie backing competition. Uncle Kelly was the judge. We had several categories. It was a lot of fun and the cookies turned out grand. On the last day we made jam, gummies, salted banana pie, and sour cream peach pie. The oldest loves my lasagna recipe and always helps when I make a batch. Of course, we went hiking. We drove up a 4-Wheeling Jeep trail. I am happy to say the girls never questioned my choice of roads or driving. When we got to the top we hiked to a fire look-out. I really wish I had taken a photo of the lookout.
The fishing was hilarious. That is the biggest fish we caught. Funny thing is the girls made such a ruckus whenever they caught one of the little sunnies that pretty soon every fisherman on the lake was edging towards us. One finally had to come see our haul. I doubt he was impressed with our 7 sunnies. We sure had fun. We also played a lot of giant Jenga, bean bag toss, and even a board game. We were pretty wore out after three days. I always look forward to time with the nieces. I worry the older ones won't have fun, but they still seem to enjoy our forays. Next year the littlest boy gets to come. I still haven't figured out where I'm going to put him in the Jeep.
Do you have a summer family tradition? Did you spend a week with somebody? What is your favorite summer family memory?