Traditionally at the end of the year I review my successes and failures of the past year. This is the perfect time to set goals for the upcoming year. I've learned over the years that nothing ever goes as planned, but usually something better actually happens. So without further ado here is a recap of last year...
Berries! I really missed this year's harvest. I had no wine, jam, or juice in 2022 and it was maddening. I need to really focus on my raspberries and strawberries. My orchard and berries need serious attention to include fertilizer and a watering regimen. I'm also going to have to add some Harrelson Apple trees as mine are on the decline.I was somewhat successful. There were strawberries, but I need more and a way to keep birds and chipmunks out. During the summer, I made vast improvements on the raspberry bed and will order some more raspberries this spring. We also got a Harreld Apple tree for the orchard. My black currents were plentiful, as were the gooseberries.

Do something out of the box. I need an adventure for 2023. When I turned 40, I went to Denmark. I would like to travel again. Well, this took a turn I didn't expect. I made a rash decision at work to do a four-month detail as secretary for the top leader of the Forest Service Job Corps. It was my one chance to see behind the Wizard of Oz's curtain. I learned I am a terrible secretary. Much harder than you would think it is. Towards the end I got better. It was such a good experience. Although my boss is in Washington DC, I teleworked from home. The best part of my adventure is it culminated in a conference in Washington DC. It certainly wasn't what I had in mind last January but was a great experience.

Take care of my friends. You can't pick your family, but you can choose your friends and I have chosen well. Their support and kindness is humbling. Again, this goal ended up being much better than expected. Our year was filled with visits from family and friends. My brother was out several times, our Minnesota nieces and nephews came out for turkey hunting adventures, my SD nieces came out for the yearly week with Aunt Bonnie, Aunts and Uncles, Cousins, and plenty of friends all took time to sit on our porch and enjoy life. I am blessed to have such a good life. Best of all our cabin and our kitchen was always full of laughter. Continue to improve my vegetable garden. I know what I like: tomatoes, peas, carrots, lettuce, spinach, acorn squash, sweet corn, peppers, beans, cucumbers, asparagus, and garlic. As for herbs: Basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, chamomile, borage, mint, hyssop, lemon balm, and lemon grass. I am also going to get serious about the great pumpkin contest now that there is a trophy involved. It can't all be sunshine and roses. I didn't even come close on the pumpkin competition this year. A hungry doe vandalized my pumpkin. I sometimes wonder if my husband encouraged her behavior. The vegetables did great (with the exception of my pumpkins). I had the best crop of asparagus, squash, potatoes, carrots, and tomatoes ever.
Projects are always abound. I would like to build a canning shelf for the basement. Improve my bird feeding stations, especially when it comes to squirrel proofing them. We completed a lot of projects this year. I made improvements to the raspberry bed. My husband put a gate on our orchard. Due to the always looming hail, some hail nets were ordered for the vegetable garden and installed. I made several bee waterers and bought a bird bath made by one of my good friends. I was going to squirrel proof the birdfeeders, but nighttime visits from flying squirrels dampened my resolution.

What is next?
More improvements on the flower gardening front. This fall I added more color to the rose bed. I planted more lilies and bulbs. I pulled out many overgrown plants in front and hope this will encourage other plants to flourish. I've been looking back at garden pictures over the years, and I need to bring back some old favorites. Hopefully, I will be able to reseed my wildlife bed and keep the turkeys and deer out, so the butterflies and bees can enjoy.
The edible garden still needs some tweaks. I need to find the perfect eggplant. Pea production needs to improve. For some reason they haven't done as well in the new greenhouse. I need to keep adding to the raspberry and strawberry beds. The orchard also needs more apple and plum trees. I am also going to try and graft better stock onto my flourishing yet fruitless pear trees. I added a different elderberry last summer in hopes of cross pollinating with my wild elderberry. With luck this will mean elderberries this year.
My husband and I added trails to our property and this year we are going to enhance them with seating areas and even a strategically placed picnic table. For the wildlife, I want to work on my two frog ponds. There are a few ideas for more efficient bee and bird waterers. There are plans to add a few more wildlife shelters.
I am hoping to improve the experience for visitors to our cabin. Over the years we have compiled a pretty extensive list of things you can do when you visit. I want to add more games for rainy days and places to go when the weather cooperates. We enjoy having company and are excited to see who visits this year. Last year we were truly blessed with all of the friends and relatives that spent time on our porch.
Here is wishing you all a happy and healthy 2024.