No time to chat. I took my machine in for maintenance and bought new thread. Things are going smoothly. There is hope.
Wish me luck, unbelievably, I am very close to having it quilted.
Hope you had as productive weekend as I did.
No time to chat. I took my machine in for maintenance and bought new thread. Things are going smoothly. There is hope.
Hope you had as productive weekend as I did.
Meet our new alarm system. Somebody drives by, they gobble. We open the door, they gobble. We close the door, they gobble. Somebody walks by, they gobble.
This picture is deceiving. It looks nice and warm, but I promise you it is not. The wind has been wicked cold.
We are not greening up as fast as I would like. As you can see our alarm system is hard at work.I heard the frogs this weekend. That means spring is around the corner. The snow is almost off the lawn. I planted Pak choi, lettuce, spinach, and peas in the greenhouse. There is a smattering of crocuses blooming throughout the gardens. My tomato, pepper, and eggplant seedlings want to be planted, but I'm giving them one more week. The greenhouse is prepped and ready to be planted. I moved some birdfeeders to the front as I am able to sit on the porch in the mornings with my coffee.
The turkeys are ridiculous. I spent all morning watching the tom's attempts to woo the hens. Overall, the hens could care less. One tom hasn't left our yard all day. He just struts and struts. He must be exhausted. Sorry to show you my foot, but I just wanted you to see that my nail polish made it to see spring. Every fall, on what I think will be the nicest last day, I paint my toenails bright orange.
We came back from Nebraska in time for snow. Things had been melted off prior to that and it didn't take long for melting to begin.
I have been seeing a lot of elk on the way to and from work. It is kind of unusual to see them in the spring. The bulls have yet to lose their antlers.