Sunday, January 26, 2025

I ate the babka...

 I cannot lie; I ate all the babka.  It was amazing.  I couldn't help it.  It has been so cold.  With the cold came the joys of my new job.  Everything went wrong. Waterpipes froze, water heaters died, things leaked, and furnaces were on the fritz.   At work we are a team, and we are limping along.  Not one person on my facilities team has been on the center for a full year, so we are all figuring things out together.  I've learned more about septic systems, furnaces, water lines, and water heaters then I ever wanted to know. My mind was exhausted.  Babka seemed like a good comfort food solution.  Thank goodness, along with everything else, our scale broke.  

I went snowshoeing both yesterday and today.  I don't know if you can tell by my ski poles how deep it is. I know I keep saying it, but I really love my snowshoes.  I also really miss Ella.  I have notices it is much harder to talk myself into going out on cold days without my motivator. 

I was so excited to see this indignant ruffed grouse.  Doesn't he blend in perfectly?  He wasn't happy about my interrupting his day. 

While I was wandering along, I saw this tiny feather in the snow.  It was so delicate.  

I hope this temperature was an anomaly.  It does kind of feel how my week at work went.  When I retire, I'm going to write a book about my adventures. It will be a comedy.   

I have faith that things will improve.  We will be a well-tested team by the time this winter is over.  For the most part, the students have been good.  The only time they panicked was when the porta-potties I ordered in case of an emergency came on center.  It took a while to calm them down.  

Have you ever had a time when it seems like things were breaking all around you?  Did you make it through?

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Starting fresh...

 I don't have a lot to share.  It has been in the negative digits all weekend.  We have had to shovel and plow almost every day.  I have spent this three-day weekend cleaning.  I spent it washing the logs, dusting everything, and tidying the plants.  I made peanut butter cookies, babka bread, and pork/pepper stir fry with noodles.  

I am probably a little early with the spring cleaning, but I couldn't take it any longer.  I still have the bathroom, spare bedroom, and master bedroom.  I am ruthless with throwing things out and paring things down.  It feels good to clean things out.  Hopefully, I will be done next weekend.
I love babka. It is two of my favorite things chocolate and bread. I did a lot of baking this weekend.  I was super excited to indulge in this wonderful recipe.  

Chocolate Babka Bread                             

4 c. Flour
2 1/4 t. Yeast
1 c. Water warm
1 T. Kosher Salt
1/4 c. Honey or Sugar
1/2 c. Olive Oil
2 Eggs
Zest of one Orange
2 t. Vanilla

1/2 c. Butter
3/4 c. Dark Chocolate Chips
1/2 c. Powdered Sugar
1/3 c. Cocoa Powder

1/3 c. Orange Juice fresh squeezed
6 T. Sugar

Wisk 1 c. of flour with the yeast and stir in warm water until combined and let rise 45 minutes. Add honey, salt, oil, eggs, zest, and vanilla. Stir until will mixed, then add remaining 3 c. flour. Stir until sticky. Turn dough on a lightly floured work surface and knead for a few minutes, until smooth. Transfer to a lightly oiled bowl and cover with a dish towel. Let rise 1-2 hours. Make the filling by melting the butter and chocolate together. Stir in powdered sugar and cocoa until smooth. Punch down dough and divide into 2 equal parts. Using a rolling pin, roll 1 half into a rectangle about 10-11 inches wide and 16 inches long. Spread half of the filling over the top, leaving half for the other half. Roll into a tight coil. You can refrigerate overnight or chill in the freezer for 15 minutes. Coat loaf pans with butter. Cut logs in half and twist together in loaf pan. Let rise 1 to 1.5 hours. Bake at 375º for 25-30 minutes.

Personal Notes: Wow! Chocolate and bread, what more could a person want? It seems complicated at first, but once you make it you realize it is pretty easy and well worth it.

When do you usually do your spring cleaning? Do you have a favorite indulgence?  What do you do when the weather dictates you stay indoors?   

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Beating the winter blues...

 It was a beautiful sunrise on Polo Peak this morning.  There is something about seeing the sun hitting the mountain top that makes life seem full of hope. 

The wind and snow has kept me inside much of this week.  On the plus side, I finished the top of my latest quilt.  It is called Smoke and Fire.  I like how it turned out.  My little quilting nook was the perfect space as I had a lot of cutting, sewing, and ironing.  Now I need to figure out the border and backing.  
This time of year is always fun.  Antler hunting is a good way to get outside and take care of some cabin fever.  We were really lucky.  I found this shed on Thursday.  The next day my husband found the match.   
This buck has been around and has an amazing brow tine (that is the very first tine closest to their skull).  He had broken the brow tine off of the other antler, but it had a little sticker point.  We will be watching for him next year. It's nice when they have an identifying feature so you can see how they grow and change every year. 

I had to stop feeding my blue jays as the turkeys figured it out and won't leave the feeders alone.  Those dratted birds.  
We have had snow and terrible winds for the past three days but today was perfect. I was able to get out and do some snowshoeing.  There is a little over a foot of snow, but it wasn't too bad snowshoeing.  We won't talk about how shoveling went.  The wind had put a nice glaze on everything.  
Exercise in the winter keeps me sane. Getting 2 miles in on the snowshoes helps me beat the winter blues.  I also do yoga or lift weights in the evenings.  At work, I try to walk or run at noon.  I'm afraid working out at work isn't very consistent as something always crops up just as I'm about to head out the door.  
Cloudy over us, but sunshine on the prairie.  It was a bit chilly, but without a wind it wasn't too bad. 

Have you had any adventures?  How do you exercise in the winter?  Have you finished any projects since the first?  

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Out with the old and in with the new...

It is that time of the year again.  Time to review last year and see if progress was made and set some plans for 2025.  It is usually about 50/50 if I am successful in my endeavors.  Still, you have to find something to work towards.  That doesn't mean it will always work out.  

2024 Goals:

More improvements on the flower gardening front.  This fall I added more color to the rose bed.  I planted more lilies and bulbs.  I pulled out many overgrown plants in front and hope this will encourage other plants to flourish.  I've been looking back at garden pictures over the years, and I need to bring back some old favorites.  Hopefully, I will be able to reseed my wildlife bed and keep the turkeys and deer out, so the butterflies and bees can enjoy.

I bought all sorts of bulbs and lilies.  The voles ate most of them.  I tried shooting and traps, but they got almost everything in the front bed and quite a bit in the rose bed.  What the voles didn't eat the deer did.  I didn't get to see my phlox or campfire rose bloom as the deer found them delicious. 

The edible garden still needs some tweaks.  I need to find the perfect eggplant.  Pea production needs to improve.  For some reason they haven't done as well in the new greenhouse.  I need to keep adding to the raspberry and strawberry beds.  The orchard also needs more apple and plum trees.  I am also going to try and graft better stock onto my flourishing yet fruitless pear trees.  I added a different elderberry last summer in hopes of cross pollinating with my wild elderberry.  With luck this will mean elderberries this year.

Gardening for food is always fickle.  I had tons of elderberries and then the birds ate them before they were even close to being ripe.  I had some good strawberries.  The raspberries were not so good, but did buy more plants.  The apples and asparagus were fruitful.  I didn't buy any trees.  My grapes, apples, currents, gooseberries, tomatoes, eggplant, pumpkins, carrots, peppers, okra, asparagus, beans, and squash all did fabulous. 

My husband and I added trails to our property and this year we are going to enhance them with seating areas and even a strategically placed picnic table.  For the wildlife, I want to work on my two frog ponds.  There are a few ideas for more efficient bee and bird waterers.  There are plans to add a few more wildlife shelters.  

We put a lot of work into our little trail system.  It has definitely been utilized by the deer, turkeys, our one skunk, and many mountain lions.  My husband got me a wonderful bird bath with a fountain.  I put my ground feeder next to the window so I can enjoy feeding the blue jays this winter.  We have lots of places you can sit and watch the world go buy.

I am hoping to improve the experience for visitors to our cabin.  Over the years we have compiled a pretty extensive list of things you can do when you visit.  I want to add more games for rainy days and places to go when the weather cooperates.  We enjoy having company and are excited to see who visits this year.  Last year we were truly blessed with all of the friends and relatives that spent time on our porch.  

We added some more seating on the porch. Sitting and visiting is the most important part of being at the cabin.  We were lucky to have family out several times.  Kelly's brother and sister. My cousin and his family.  Probably the most disappointing was that we weren't able to figure out the timing and for the first time in 10 years my nieces and nephew weren't able to come out for our traditional week at Aunt Bonnie's.  Hopefully, this year we can figure something out. 

My goals for 2025:  

To do some more trips with my husband.  We were able to go watch the cranes this spring and bear hunting this fall.  It was good to go somewhere and do something new.  I want to go fishing in Ely, MN or see the Bighorns in Wyoming.  

I need to devise ways to keep critters out of my gardens.  They are on every front from voles to deer to birds.  I am determined to harvest elderberries.  They even got my grapes this year.  I am always amazed how people survived when a garden was their main food source.  There are so many things that can decimate a garden:  hail, heat, bugs, animals, the list goes on. This has been a goal many times in the past.  It seems like I come up with one solution and 10 other ways to invade pop up. 

I have one last trail to finish to make a complete circle around our property.  It is pretty steep, but once done I can snowshoe without going across uncharted territory.  With all of the building around us it is harder to enjoy quiet time or snowshoeing where the road hasn't been plowed.  

Take time for myself.  I have a new job and new responsibilities.  It is very stressful.  I am working hard to get everyone on the same page, get processes in place, and most importantly my student's futures depend on my decisions.  It is difficult getting a rhythm going and there is a lot of pressure.  I really focused this winter break on not spreading myself thin.  I need to keep that up.  I have 4 years, 9 months and 24 days until retirement.  I need to get there and still be sane and still love what I am doing.   

Here is wishing you a fabulous, happy, and healthy 2025.  I have high hopes for the new year.  Let me know what you have in mind.