Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Birds and bucks...

This Scarlet Tanager is enjoying the crab apples immensely.

 Blue Jays are my favorite harbinger of fall.
Caught in the tub.  I just love those colors.

This little beauty showed up for a photo shoot.  Notice he has a double main beam.

It was a very busy evening here.  Filled with visitors.


  1. You did have some colorful visitors! The buck was very close. That is an unusual right side of his rack.

  2. All your photos are lovely. I love the one with the buck. That is such a incredible shot. I love the look in his eyes. It must be so pretty sitting on your porch and seeing all of the colors fly by. It sounds wonderful.

  3. So does that fall off later? Or will it always stay like that? I've never seen a deer with double antlers like that.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  4. I've been bird watching too and need to get a photo of our lovely Jays--these western ones are so different from it's counterpart that you have. They're a darker blue, smaller, and really not as noisy (or pushy:-D). You've given me a great idea for a couple of antlers I collected from when we lived in Connecticut. I been saving them to do a hat rack for my hubby, but now, I'm going to do a bird rest--ingenious!

  5. You have the very best of visitors--The ones I like best and don't need an invitation!

    I hope you're doing well, and enjoyed your day!

  6. Fabulous visitors to the garden. The birds are favourites in my garden.

  7. I have only seen a scarlet tanager once and it was such a thrill! Not sure I've ever seen a double horn like that.

  8. Goodness, what beautiful visitors you have! Our tanagers are far more... eh, flighty. ;-) We don't get to see them very often. Lovely photos!

  9. just beautiful! the colors of those birds are gorgeous! and I see the resident deer! LOL! looking for food I'm guessing...hehehe!

  10. Beautiful photos! I love how serene the deer looks. I have never seen a scarlet tanager before. Stunning!


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