Sunday, January 4, 2015

Christmas in the Country Reveal...

I received a wonderful package in the mail from Sarah at the Laze L Farm.  I can't wait to share the straws with my nieces and nephew.  I will put the Bless you Heart sign in my office.  I am currently using the cup as it keeps my coffee nice and warm.  The F will go on one of our many projects.  I appreciate  Sarah's thoughtfulness.  It was a fun surprise.  I also enjoyed learning more about her on her blog the 

I would like to thank Robyn at ( ), Jamie Rhoades (This Uncharted Rhoade), Laurie Link (COUNTRY LINKed), Erin Mullins (Diaries from the Dirt Road).  I was a fun project.   It was fun reading new blogs and meeting new people.  I also enjoyed the challenge of coming up with a present for the name I drew.


  1. I saw a post that Buttons did on this too, just this weekend. What a fun idea! Next year, I'll be sure to be looking for the links!

  2. Wow the straws really look nice and the bless your heart sign looks really nice!Glad you received such a nice package!

  3. Bonnie,
    Glad you enjoyed participating in Christmas in the Country. What fun gifts that you can use and enjoy all year round.

  4. Love that galvanized tin letter.

  5. It was fun getting to "spy" on you for a few weeks and I enjoyed hanging around your blog!

  6. Thank you so much for joining us this year for Christmas in the Country! What a fun gift! Love the galvanized F. Too cute!

    Laurie - Country Link

  7. What a great gift! I'm drawn to that "F" since it was my maiden name initial! I met Sarah through another swap and I'm so glad she could participate in this one as well. Thanks for participating and linking up!

  8. What a clever, color coordinated gift! Happy new year!


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