Sunday, October 4, 2020

Minnesota barns...

Not all of the leaves are turning, but the few that are take your breath away.  We spent the weekend in Minnesota visiting family.  
What is Minnesota without a barn tour?  At one time, it seemed like people were letting the old barns fall apart.  Lately, it seems farms are fixing them up.  It is good to see history being saved.

The picture below does not do justice to the brilliant red this gigantic barn was painted.  It doesn't seem that big but from the side it was immense.  I couldn't fit it all in the picture.

 It is always good to see family and I enjoy our barn tour tradition.  It has been a wonderful fall weekend filled with family, food, and a feeling of contentment.  When was the last time you returned to the place where you grew up?


  1. I love your barn tour. I think that would be such a great thing to see. I love that people are taking care of them.
    Its lovely there in Minnesota. I had to laugh as I have never left home. I am one of those odd people who live in the place I was born as was my Mother and now our children. Have a great week,

  2. Glad you are enjoying some family time :-) I love old barns!

  3. Those barns are certainly huge and interesting shapes. Have any been converted into homes?

  4. beautiful barns...i always notice them when we are driving about!!! the quilt barn was especially remarkable!!! nice autumn colors too!!!

  5. Love seeing the barns, I have an affinity for red barns!


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