Ok, I admit it. I am horrible at the whole reply to comments part of blogging. I love to read the comments, but I rarely reply because I somehow it seems impersonal to reply on my own blog. Where am I going with this? Well, I have some loose ends to tie up. Comments I need to reply to, awards I need to accept, and thanks to give out. Here it goes.
First, Alicia and Alison commented on how I made a blog book. Well, I used a company that sent me an e-mail. I couldn't reply to their comments until I got another e-mail from the blog book company and finally I got one. For those of you interested in making a book out of your blog, this is the company I used. They were ok to work with. My only complaint was I couldn't erase link buttons from blog hops when creating the book. To save space and keep them out of the book I would have to erase them from the actual blog and I didn't want to do that. It was a bit expensive, but worth it knowing that my brother would get to see the blog. Here is a link to the company that publishes them:
The next housekeeping item is a huge thanks to Deborah Jean's Dandelion House for the apron I won at the 101st Farmgirl Friday Blog hop. I have gleaned so many good ideas from her hop and am so excited about the apron. I am always wear aprons when I cook, so it will definitely be used. If you get a chance swing by her blog hop. I can't wait to try the freezer meals I read about at The Thriftiness Miss Blog. The hop is at:
Last, but not least, I have been nominated by two people for the Liebster Blog Award. I didn't realize how quickly time had passed since the first nomination by Kristi at http://www.thankfulme.net/ and then another from Connie at http://frugallivingonthewatkinsranch.blogspot.com/ Somehow March went fast (sure didn't seem like it) and I am just now getting around to thanking them. I enjoy both blogs and hope you hop on over.

The Liebster award is for new bloggers who are just starting out. This award gets passed around by other bloggers who were nominated and they nominate other new bloggers. This helps getting the new blogs noticed. Basically, the purpose of the Liebster Award is to get blogs with less than 200 followers noticed.
are the rules:
1. Thank your
Liebster Award presenter on your blog and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 5 questions from the nominator, list 5 random facts about yourself and create 5 questions for your nominees.
3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less whom you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have been chosen.
4. Copy and paste the blog award on to your blog. It is an award so show it off.
2. Answer the 5 questions from the nominator, list 5 random facts about yourself and create 5 questions for your nominees.
3. Present the Liebster Blog Award to 5 blogs of 200 followers or less whom you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have been chosen.
4. Copy and paste the blog award on to your blog. It is an award so show it off.
5 Questions For Nominees (Actually 6, three from each nominator):
1. Which would you rather have, 20 chickens or 1 goat? I'm very sorry blogger world, but I HATE goats. I did not have good goat experiences as a child. I'm going with chickens on this one.
2. What would your ultimate vacation be? Staying at home with my husband, family and friends. I own a beautiful log cabin in the woods with my husband. What more could life offer?
3. What are the biggest influences in your life? The people around me. I have learned that everyone has something to offer.
4. What is one thing you couldn't live without? My husband. He makes me laugh. We go on adventures together. He has more faith in my abilities than I do. He is my best friend.
5. What is your least favorite thing to do? Clean the gook at the bottom of the drain after dishes.
6. What is one character trait
you admire? I have to pick two persistence and the ability to only say good things about others. It is easy to quit when you aren't good at something or don't know how to do it. For some reason I cannot quit and I admire other people that are that way. The other trait was one my Grandma Gregg held. I never heard her criticize another person. That is a trait I aspire towards, but it might be awhile before I get there.
5 Random Facts about Myself:
I have to have two cups of coffee in the morning or life isn't good for anyone involved.
I am the 'mean old principal.'
I love wearing cardigans.
I have only had three jobs in my life: rancher's daughter, sawyer, and teacher/mean old principal (I count them as one since it is at the same school).
I am not a patient woman.
5 Questions for Others:
1. What is your greatest strength?
2. Who do you admire and why?
3. What was your biggest adventure?
4. What is one thing on your bucket list?
5. What is your favorite movie?
5 blogs I am nominating are all South Dakota Blogs:
Gumbo Lily @ http://gumbo-lily.blogspot.com/ She is from my area and I love hearing about her life on a diverse ranch. Her photos are wonderful.
Twin Bridges Nature Resort @ http://twinbridgesnatureresort.blogspot.com/ This is a very new blog and I can tell I will be enjoying it as we have the same interests.
The Ranch Wife Chronicles @ http://theranchwifechronicles.com/ She does a great job explaining life on a working cattle ranch and capturing the strength of ranching roots.
Sall's Country Life @ http://salls-country-life.blogspot.com/ has more than 200 followers, but she is a South Dakota blogger and I want to stick to my SD theme. I just recently found her blog and it reminds me of growing up East river.
Last but not least is Pickles and Petunias @ http://picklesandpetunias.blogspot.com/ This blog has some wonderful recipes and I love how old advertising is incorporated into the posts. I enjoy looking at the past.
There it is. I feel so good about getting my blog cleaned up that I may have to start spring cleaning the house. Might as well clean during a snowstorm instead of waiting until the weather is nice and I'd rather be outside. Hope everyone has a productive weekend.
Just got back from 2 craft shows and going to work. I comment more on blogs who do the same. I have some original members I hardly ever miss.This was a fun read, it is always nice to learn more about your friends.
ReplyDeleteVery nice answers and very nice bit of house cleaning. I loved them all. Congrats on the awards too.
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this.
Thanks for the info on the blog book! I was just thinking about that a few days ago, and couldn't remember who I had asked, so perfect timing! :) And congratulations on the award!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading all the info you shared ! I just started blogging last month and I love it. Have a small farm and don't get out much . Blogging helps me stay connected with myself and others...like a hideaway socialite LOL I am going to read some of your old posts now . It all looks so interesting. Then as time allows I am also going to check out your nominees, what fun! That deer picture is wonderful by the way. Congrats on the award.
ReplyDeleteHi Bonnie!
ReplyDeleteIt is kind of funny leaving a comment on your own blog. But, I do it and I am my #1 comment leaver ... lol! I think it is important to interact with my readers, so I either visit them or leave a reply. Most times I try to visit their blog.
I saw you won an apron, how fun!
Congratulations on The Liebster Award. I am with you on the gunk at the bottom of the sink. I am not a fan of wet rags in the sink either. Please squeeze out extra water and hang to dry.
Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.
lol! I've never seen deer covered in snow! They must be standing very still! :-) I've started the indoor Spring cleaning too.... for the same reason as you! :-) This year I need to get a plan going so that the deer and rabbits don't eat everything I plant... ;-)
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the clean up and the award. I love the blogs you nominated I read all but one which I will be checking out.
ReplyDeleteIt was very nice learning more about you.
I would never leave my cabin in the woods either and a loving husband I find it hard to leave the farm for the same reasons.
Take care B
Congrats on the award! I enjoyed reading your blog-cleaning post. I'm dreadful about responding to blog comments too. Usually, I go to the blog and comment there. Thanks so much for checking and posting the info about the company that does the blog books, I really appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you were the mean old principal.
Congrats ! I was nice learning more about you . My hubs AKA Papa is also my best friend and we love being together doing things as well ! Yup home is the best for me to being in a old farm house in a old country village in a valley with forests , a river and nature all around ! Oh I also like the blogs you picked . Blogging for me as I am retired gives me so much info and a trip around the world from my comfy chair lol first class that is lol ! Have a good evening !
ReplyDeleteBonnie, I too enjoyed your blog clean up post... Thanks for the mention... Would you be so kind as to email me your address. You can find my email address at the top right of my blog...I'm anxious to get your apron out to you! Congratulations you the blog awards... they are fun and interesting. I would have never guessed you the " mean old principle" but then we bloggers are a kind bunch... That's what makes it so addicting and rewarding!
ReplyDeletefive things:
1. What is your greatest strength?
My sense of humor is a thing of grace I have been told.
2. Who do you admire and why?
I can't just choose one person. My mom who has survived some very challenging health issues and she still smiles.. My husband for his steady patience and thoughtfulness...
3. What was your biggest adventure? Packing up and moving east at the age of 40 from my life long home in Nevada.
4. What is one thing on your bucket list?
I have two:
I hope to own my own horse some day... My love affair with horses has been a long drawn out thing...it started when I was 9...
I would love to travel to the English Countryside and rent a cottage for a month during the peak of garden tour season.
5. What is your favorite movie?
I don't have a favorite but I adore any movie with Meryl Streep.
Oh the snow covered deer are beautiful!
ReplyDeleteIt feels good to get caught up on the blog front, doesn't it?
Don't feel too guilty about not keeping up Bonnie -- we all have that issue, it seems. Just glad you are able to stop by when you can! :)
ReplyDeletethe deer are just so beautiful!! fun entry!!
ReplyDeleteWhen you say housecleaning, you do it! I so admire you Bonnie and hope one day, we can meet; I'd love to see your cabin in the woods up close, XOXO