Sunday, March 7, 2021

What once was lost...

 The weather was fabulous this weekend.  Ella and I both enjoyed a few walks.  We also were estatic that we were able to spend the morning on the porch.  The first time this year.  

The birds were abound.  I saw my first robin of the spring.  From the porch, I saw a brown creeper, several blue jays, crows, chickadees, nuthatches, juncos, and pine siskins.  I could hear turkeys gobbling, a hawk screeching, and woodpeckers knocking on the trees.  I didn't get one picture.  I didn't want to go in the cabin to get the camera.
This was the weekend for finding lost things.  My husband put on a vest he hadn't worn in awhile and found my little Swiss army knife and our tree marking ribbon.  I had to crawl under the porch for a lid that had blown under.  I found many lost items: a purple button, purple lighter, a penny, and of all things a turtle that seems to have escaped a flower pot.  It was somewhat interesting.
It was a perfect day to clean out the greenhouse.  If you are wondering about the wine bottles they keep me from poking my eye out on the rebar.

Did you have good weather?  What was the last lost thing you found?  I hope you have a wonderful week.


  1. I love finding lost things. Good idea about the rebar!! Hope your good weather lasts. -Jenn

  2. I'm always losing things. St the moment I can't find a large quilted cover that I want to use in the car for when Ruby is muddy. How I've lost such a large item I have no idea. You do habe an abundance of birds.

  3. the greenhouse looks as though it is almost ready, the bottles are a really good idea!!

    we had awesome weather this past weekend...i lost a ball of yarn, i looked for it for days and finally found it between the couch cushions!!

  4. I know you and Ella enjoyed those walks together, even though you are still walking in the snow. It's a beautiful day here ~ 70 degrees right now, and I am out of here. Oh, I think the last thing I lost but then found was my phone. I do that a lot!


Sit on my porch and let's chat. Due to the amount of spam I am closing my comments to Anonymous users. Sorry.