Sunday, July 28, 2024

How the little family has grown...

 Do you remember our surprise last November when we realized why we kept seeing the same lion once a week?

Well, it seems her little ones have grown in size, but not temperament. 

As you can see they are still very playful. 
These have to be brother and sisters.  If you look, after she jumps a pair of eyes pop up In the grass.
The one in front is the mom.  At least one of her little ones is still sticking close.  The little one went back and forth 3 more times after this.  I guess it was checking everything out.  We won't be taking any nighttime walks here.

I hope you enjoy the videos.  Have a fabulous week.   Thank you for all the well wishes on my new job.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy...

This was an extremely busy week for me.  I was in charge of Job Corps 60th Anniversary Open House/Graduation.  In the middle of that I was offered and accepted the Center Director position, which means I am going to be in charge of the whole kit-n-kaboodle.  The news showed up and did an interview.  I think I hate interviews even more that throwing parties.  This weekend didn't slow down as it is Festival in the Park in Spearfish.  We always meet up with my college friend and the husbands visit while we shop.  The perfect end was sitting on the porch with a glass of wine and visiting with another good friend.  

Above is the absolutely fabulous cheeseboard I got at the festival.   How creative is that?  Below is what I did Sunday to slow down and relax.  I picked gooseberries, strawberries, raspberries, Saskatoons, and black currents.  Picking berries is very therapeutic for me.

In July, the rose bed becomes a real showcase.  I apologize for all of the photos, but I am constantly trying to capture the riot of colors.
This is my William Baffin rose.  I was very concerned because it sustained quite a bit of winter kill this year, but as you can see it rebounded nicely.
The delphiniums below are the perfect accent.  There must be some forest fires as it has been very hazy with red sunrises and sunsets.  
My little hummingbird is really enjoying the delphiniums.  She spent most of the morning dining on the nectar from it's blooms.
The bumblebees also did their share of snacking.  Delphiniums are one of my very favorite flowers.

The lilies are also in full bloom.  I have enjoyed the Aztec lilies on the south side of my rose bed, so last fall I added some to the north side of the rose bed.

We saw this doe at the festival.  She was in the middle of the campground with people on both sides, but she didn't care.  Just looking for some cool refreshing water.
This Topaz Rose is always such a pain.  She has the nastiest thorns, but I always forgive her when she blooms and when it is warm the sensational scent is so soothing.
I have to give props to my hardy Hansa rose.  She has been in the rose bed since the first year.  She never gets any bigger, but she is always stalwart and makes it through the winter.
Yes, the hummingbird again.  I only get to see her for a few months, so I must enjoy while I can.

The Champlain Rose below is another survivor.  It has vivid red blooms and is vigorous when it displays.  

One of my favorite quotes is "Come to the rose garden.  My roses are dying to meet you."  I don't know who said it, but it reminds me of my rose garden every time I see it. 

Well, that is what is going on in the gardens and my little corner of the world.  If you are wondering what sunshine on my shoulders in the title has to do with this, it is the fact that we finally have some sunshine and life has been pretty sunny for me this week.  I hope the same can be said for you.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Herb Wreaths....

I am overjoyed.  We finally took the picnic table off of the porch and put my potting bench back.  My husband made the bench for me 20 years ago when we built the cabin.  Seating was an issue when we had visitors.  So as time went on, we built a picnic table to accommodate guests.  My poor potting bench was either in the barn or out by the barn.  It didn't get used as much since it was not in a convenient location. 

Now that we have a deck with a wonderful table and chair set, it was time to bring the potting bench back.  I was inspired.  I took the old stove doors we had found at the back of the property and made them into hanging art.  
I then added an old rake to the bench, so I could hang my potting tools and drying herbs.  Everything is now easy to access.  No more walking to the other end of the yard and then forgetting what you were even going to the bench for.  My fertilizers, seeds, tools, and soil are all handy.  It is also great when we get a warm spell in early spring or late fall and I want to do some quick gardening projects.  Not as inviting when it was in the cold dark barn.
Isn't she a beauty?  I've added a few things here and there.  A door using old shutter hinges.  The rake for hanging tools.  She is the perfect size.  
My herb wreath project became more of a soup swag.  I cut long slips of parsley, rosemary, oregano, basil, chives, and sage.  

My husband makes a wonderful bird brine.  It needs rosemary, lemon thyme, and sage.  I added them all together for a nice swag. I tied it together using lemongrass. He uses fresh ingredients when he can, but I never seem to get my rosemary to live past February.  

I made soup and stew swags.  Adding parsley, sage, basil, chives, and oregano.  I tied the swag with the chives.  I've used these before and you just toss them in the last 10-20 minutes while the soup is simmering.
I harvested quite a bit of German chamomile.  I am not big on tea, but it is great as a hair detangler.  Just make a chamomile tea.  Add 1 c. tea, 2 tablespoons of lemon, 1 cup of water, and add a sprig of rosemary.  Spray in your hair after you shower, and it combs out easily.   I also use spray chamomile tea on seedlings, and they won't get that mold or if they do have the mold, it goes away.  Plus, they are such a happy looking flower.  Just make sure you don't let them go to seed or they will take over.  

The last thing I need to make is a Mullein swag.  I use mullein, licorice basil, and anise hyssop. 

Web MD describes mullein as an expectorant, which means it helps the body expel excess mucus, usually by helping make your coughs more productive, to bring up mucus that may be settling in the chest or in the throat. It is also a demulcent. Studies show that demulcents create a soothing anti-inflammatory coating over mucous membrane.

Author, Kathie Lapcevic, in 5 Uses for Anise Hyssop says hyssop helps expel mucus making it ideal for treating colds.

I used to think that was hooey, until I tried it.  Seep the tea for 10 minutes and any phlegm will disappear.  I was shocked at how well it worked.  I guess I can't call it a soup swag.  How about a sick swag?

Well, that is it for herb wreaths and soup swags.  You will probably see more puttering projects now that my potting bench is perfectly placed.  Ha.

Where do you do your puttering or potting?  Do you have a garden shed, special toolbox, or a potting bench?  I'd love to see your gardening home base.  

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Various vegetables...

 I haven't talked vegetables for a while.  My greenhouse is doing great except for the occasional nibbling varmint. 

My okra is doing great as is my herb bucket. I plan on making soup wreaths with my rosemary, sage, parsley, and basil.
I'm super happy with my tomatoes and eggplants.
The outside beds are struggling,  as it has been way too cool to inspire them.
All of the apple trees look great.  I am worried about caterpillars as we have a million of them.
I saw aphids starting on my peppers, so I went to spray them.  I decided not to as there was a happy little ladybug munching away.

How are your vegetable gardens doing?  Right now, all I am harvesting is lettuce, spinach, and Bok choi.  If it ever warms up I'm sure things will change.  We were lucky enough to share the 4th with my brother and his girlfriend.  I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July festivities.