Sunday, October 6, 2024

Autumn is amoung us...

While we were gone, our game cameras caught 3 different mountain lions roaming our property.  We figured something was up and sure enough, there is a deer kill behind the cabin.  They ate what they wanted and now the scavengers are getting their share.  We have magpies everywhere.  

Sorry the picture quality isn't the best.  I was taking photos from the game camera video.  I'm sure these are the yearling mountain lions from the cubs we caught on camera in November.

Despite their presence, we do not want for deer, turkeys, or grouse.  These bucks practiced some sparring in the yard this morning.  I was able to sit on the porch and enjoy the show while sipping my coffee.  Funny it doesn't bother them if I am in a bright red robe, drinking coffee, and taking photos, but put some camouflage on and sit quietly in the woods and you would think you had a blow horn. 
I harvested my carrots, peppers, and tomatoes.  These carrots were giving each other a hug.  I had probably the biggest carrots I've ever grown this year. I really missed Ella sitting in front of the greenhouse waiting for her payment of a carrot or tomato every time I went in and out.  
This my last rose of the year.  She is beautiful.  Things are very dry here.  I don't remember the last time we had a rain.  
It is autumn, as today the sandhill cranes went over in droves.  There is nothing that brings more joy to my heart than to hear them calling and watching them ride the wind currents in big loopy circles and then before you know it, they are out of sight.  I am so glad we got to see them this spring.  I waved and wished them well on their journey.  
What is your tell-tale sign that it is autumn?  Is it a sound? sight? or smell?

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