Sunday, December 29, 2024

Merry Christmas!

 Well, I got all of the blocks sewn.  Then I started stringing them together.  I got one row done.  I don't know why but going is slow.  It wasn't like we did a ton of things over Christmas.  We didn't go anywhere, had a nice meal, and went for a winter walk or two.  

We drove around and looked at Christmas lights on Christmas Eve.  It isn't the same as it used to be.  Long ago, whole blocks would have a decoration competition.  Now we drive to the same 5 houses in Lead and Deadwood that go all out.  Kind of sad really.  Still the houses that go all out are spectacular.  My photos don't do them justice as things are blurry if your husband doesn't stop the vehicle. 

I have really enjoyed watching the blue jays eat peanuts right outside the window.  Better than that camera birdfeeder they were selling at Christmas.  As soon as they see me go outside they start checking for peanuts.  

We got in several walks, made Christmas cookies, and had some friends over Friday night.  It was relaxing and I kind of needed relaxing this year.  I am ready for the new year.   

Did you have a good Christmas?  I sure hope so.  Was it low key or constant on the go?  Are you ready for 2025?


  1. Your Christmas pictures are wonderful! I smiled because my hubby can never get stopped when I want to get a picture. I hope you have a wonderful new year.

  2. Ditto on the never stopping although most times out on the backroads in Colo he'll stop. I can't imagine starting a quilt - more power to ya! It's going to be striking. I wish I could find some enthusiasm for fabric work of any kind. 😞 Very few lights around here as well. Happy New Year!

  3. Very low key here. Looking forward to 2025 with trepidation.

  4. A very quiet Christmas for us. Hoping 2025 is better than 2024 here in the UK


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