Sunday, December 15, 2024

Moving along...

Had a busy week.  There is quite a bit going on.  Went to Sioux Falls to help my brother move. I am never going to buy him another book. Because I'm pretty sure he will move again and those suckers are heavy. Definitely got my steps in.  He and his girlfriend made me a wonderful meal to show their appreciation.  It was a good day. 
I got a little time to cut pieces for the quilt, so Iam still moving forward slowly. Somehow things aren't adding up so I will make adjustments. 
I really liked this pattern and looked everywhere for it, to no avail. Luckily, my amazing quilting friend managed to track it down for me. She is a great friend. 
When was the last time you moved or you helped someone move? 


  1. We moved 3 1/2 years ago and we've said never again!

  2. We moved to this house exactly 4 years ago just in time for a big big snow.

  3. The thought of moving makes me shiver lol.
    nice quilt great colors

  4. We moved in April of was more our kids moved us. I got rid of so many books that it was not funny. And had been gradually getting rid of them for years.


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