Wednesday, September 4, 2013

A Danish garden...

 The Danish take great pride in their gardens.  Every home had a small, private, and well kept garden.  Christina's was very secluded.  It was surrounded by cherry trees, elderberry bushes, mountain ash, and evergreens.  

Lanterns are very popular there.  If you look close enough almost every house has one and usually more.  Needless to say, we came home with a lantern of our own, but not until we searched high and low for the perfect one.  We found the one below at a garden/clothes/furniture store.  I can't believe it made the trip to America in one piece.  Just seeing it by our door makes me feel very satisfied. 
The Danes have their share of garden pests:  Snails, little Danish deer (the size of goats), and giant ugly slugs.

There were also colorful caterpillars and bees on the flowers.  I took a lot of photos.   Not just of the big things, but also the little things around us.

This, like all of the other photos, cannot come close to capturing the essence of Christina's garden.  We had most of our meals outside.  It was wonderful since there were no bugs (giant slugs excluded).  At night there was a fresh cool breeze.  Her garden was so peaceful and it was a place where time stopped.


  1. What a beautiful place! Great photo of the snail!

  2. Oh I could feel the time stop while reading this post. Oh my that looks like a wonderful place to call home and your visiting it had to be the best. Awesome peaceful photos. Hug B

  3. What a beautiful looking place to relax! And I love the looks so inviting, beside your door!

  4. The slugs are my least favorite pest. You can slip real bad on these creatures. I tried to use them for bait, but never got anything.

  5. I've always admired Danish spartan-like design and this garden is lovely. Love your lantern -- so happy it got home in one piece. :)


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