Sunday, December 8, 2013


Over Thanksgiving we were able to take the little ones to the Sioux Falls Butterfly House.   If you are ever driving through Sioux Falls I highly recommend taking a break and stopping there.  It is an amazing experience.  I could just sit there for hours watching the wonders of nature.  

 I so love the look of wonder.
 I wish they came to my butterfly feeders like this.

  Not a butterfly, but a very pretty flower.

 If you are really patient one may land on you.
 You must be very patient.

I put up Christmas decorations today, but they don't hold a candle to nature's natural decorations.  Sorry, I fail at being an educational site.  I don't have the names of the butterflies.  The girls kept the check off sheet.    It is always an amazing experience going to the Butterfly House.  I am thankful I have been able to share the experience with my nieces.   With the current cold snap (it has been -18 here) I thought I would re-live the experience.   Warm thoughts to you.


  1. Yikes! -18!! Brrrr. Love the photos!:)

  2. Very pretty butterflies...and takes my mind off of the snow/ice that we have outside this morning! :)

  3. One of my favorite places to visit. There is a big one in Ames ,IA and one in Omaha to enjoy also.

    To get a good moon shot try early morning when the sun is out before it sets.

  4. Beautiful Butterflies! Looks like you and the grands had a wonderful time.

    Are you ready for a heat wave in the Hills later this week? We are ready for nicer temps. All these below zero *high* temps are hard on equipment. I will admit -10 can feel ok on a sunny day with no wind. Looking forward to 20*.

  5. Thanks for the warm thoughts and this look at warmer conditions in the butterfly house. They are so beautiful. It's cold here -- a low of 12F the last couple of days -- which is very unusual for here. At least we haven't had any snow.

  6. Byłam w podobnym domu motyli i żal mi było z niego wychodzić, bo było cudownie. Były motyle, które pokazujesz u siebie. Pozdrawiam i dziękuję za tą przyjemność.
    I was in a similar home butterflies and felt sorry to leave it, because it was wonderful. There were butterflies that you show at home. I greet and thank you for the pleasure.

  7. Simply beautiful! Thanks for sharing your fun visit.

  8. I enjoyed your "warm butterfly thoughts." I didn't even know Sioux Falls had a butterfly house. Wonderful!

  9. What fun! We took our grandson to the Butterfly House in Seattle and watched with awe as one hatched from a cocoon! Thank you for sharing this adventure, XOXO

  10. The butterflies are beautiful. . . and I love the expressions on the girls faces.

  11. Wow, how beautiful they are! The blue ones are my favorite...the color is just stunning!

  12. Magical smiles and beautiful butterflies ~ I love it !!
    Stay warm.

  13. Beautiful creatures - you can see where the fairy idea came from can''t you?


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