Sunday, April 8, 2018

Stay focused...

We received more snow.  There isn't an end in immediate site.  I have decided to just focus on projects and not even think about gardening.  I did peak into the greenhouse while shoveling.  I see my seeds are up, but there is too much ice and snow to get in.  I just have to stay focused on the inside. Have I mentioned how difficult this is?  

 I bottled some Prairie Chokecherry and Red Letter Raspberry Wine.  I have made a batch of wine every month.  A friend gave me a ton of chokecherries.  I am very thankful for that, as I don't have much luck with chokecherries here.  They get half the wine.  She must like it because she gave me gallons of berries this year.
 I have been making energy bites to take to work.  This week I tried apricot/coconut.  It was pretty simple:

1 c. apricots
2 c. unsweetened coconut shredded
1 t. vanilla
5 T. honey

I blended everything, except the honey, in the blender.  Then I added the honey and rolled them into balls.  They will go in the refrigerator and, hopefully, I will remember to take some to work in the morning. 
My husband and I try to make Sunday's special.  Ella and I go for a hike (or snowshoeing).  Then my husband makes a wonderful meal on his smoker/grill.  I had a spa day today.  I soaked in an epsom salt bubble bath.  I even used a clay mask.  Then if it is snowing, which it has every Sunday for the past few weeks, we take a nap.  I work on some projects and do some yoga.  It is very restorative.  Today I refilled my spa supplies.  I made a sugar scrub out of sugar, olive oil, and lemon juice.  Then a hot oil hair care with 1 cup of honey and 4 T. olive oil. 
 Making a picnic blanket quilt was also on the Saturday agenda.  The blue blocks were leftover from another quilt project.  That was a project where I definitely miscalculated the number of blocks I needed.  I used up the leftover blues along with some yellow scraps I had lying around.  I still have enough material to line the inside of the picnic basket.  That will be next weekend's project.   
 Ella and I got out to stretch our legs.  We got 8 inches of light and fluffy on Friday, but that became hard and crusty by Sunday.
 As you can see, there is more snow in our future.  
I am working hard to stay positive.  I am thankful that my husband and I make Sunday's a special time for us.  I am grateful that I live in a place where I can take my dog snowshoeing for a mile out, off leash, without worrying about a car or other people disrupting our peace.  I appreciate that on weekends good friends text, e-mail, or call.  Life is good, despite the never ending snow.  What is your Sunday routine?


  1. We don't really have a Sunday routine. It's a case of looking out of the window and deciding what we feel like doing. Being retired it's sort of our daily routine.

  2. you have always been so busy even when the weather holds you back. Doing an inner city clean up this next weekend in Omaha, and area designated the war zone.


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