Monday, July 5, 2021

It is that time of year, berry picking.  This is the most wild strawberries I've ever had.  I really want to make jam, but I am far from the required 8 cups.  The other berries are Saskatoons or June berries.  They make an amazing wine.

My roses are putting on a show.  Which I appreciated.  Our niece and nephew came up for the Fourth.  Usually they come out for turkey hunting in May and nothing is blooming.  I was glad they finally got to see the flowers.
The orange rose below is an Australian Copper.  It only blooms once, but wow!

I have a visitor to the garden.  Can you see him snug on the rock?  My frog pond hasn't filled with rain yet, but this guy is waiting at the pool.

Yes, my peonies and iris are still blooming.

 As always, my chamomile is going crazy.  I don't mind as I use the flowers for tea and hair detangler.

It was a wonderful Fourth of July.  I hope you were able to enjoy the weekend.


  1. That pink iris is gorgeous. All the flowers you have are lovely.

  2. Roses seem to be doing really well everywhere this year. Yours are lovely.

  3. Wow~ All those blooms look gorgeous! We had saskatoons up the river. Never thought about wine, but did make jelly. Also, home grown chamomile tastes sooo much better than what comes in those little bags. Last time I grew some, I got enough for 2 cups of tea (eyeroll.)


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