Thursday, September 11, 2014

Double Drat...

Yes, I these photos are from today.  Why is the weatherman only right when he predicts snow?


  1. Snow already?! Good thing you have a greenhouse for the tomatoes! Which state do you live in?

    I love your house.

  2. Hard to believe, but you are in a snow castle. I had wondered about your greenhouse usage, and now see why you use it so much. It was 39 here last night, but headed for some more warm next week.

  3. I'm sorry. :( (But it sure is pretty!) And...that's the first time I've ever seen your house...It's beautiful!!

  4. I saw that weather report and my first thought was, " Oh No! your garden is going to be covered in snow! I am so glad your tomatoes were protected.
    I hope it melts fast. That was a lot of snow for a first snow in September? Has that ever happened?
    I remember last year was so early.
    I hope you get lots of warm air.

  5. Too soon! too early! Sorry about the drastic weather change. :(

  6. Uh. What? No!

    (I forget just where you are situated but my cousin lives in Calgary Alberta, so I think you got some of that weather. Hopefully it all melts and you get some more nice weather. Hugs.

  7. I thought of you when I heard the snowy forecast. At least a few of your garden plants are safe inside. It looks pretty!

  8. Beautiful but it's just so early! I just finished reading "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It's about their time in South Dakota, where the blizzards began early and just kept coming. They were dependent upon horses - no cars - and the train for supplies; many got very hungry as the winter kept on. I'm so grateful I've never known hunger like that! Oh, the pleasure and privilege of the modern age. Take care, Bonnie.


Sit on my porch and let's chat. Due to the amount of spam I am closing my comments to Anonymous users. Sorry.