Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hummingbirds and sunflowers...

We went back to Minnesota a few weeks ago.  It was a good trip.  It is always good to see family.  I also enjoyed the show my mother-in-law's hummingbirds put on.  I had one this year, but she had a plethora.  I put on my pink hat and tried to take as many photos as I could.  I'm a sucker for hummingbirds.

 The sunflowers in South Dakota were breathtaking.  The fields literally glowed.  I'm sure those were happy bees in those hives.

Finally, for my loyal readers.  During a meandering Minnesota drive, I about jumped out of the pickup while it was moving.  Lo and behold I saw that Darlene had made it to 70. Congratulations Darlene!  You were just 60 three years ago.  Someday I will stop and meet Darlene and her sign painter.  


  1. We have had LOTS of hummingbirds this summer. We started using a new kind of feeder (like the one in the first, second and fifth shots) and put in a more shady place. We think they might be done now, haven't seen one in a couple of days, but will leave the feeder out for another week and a half or so, in case in travelers pass through.

    Those South Dakota fields are beautiful! What a great part of the country that is.

  2. Love to chase the hummers, The sunflower fields are real nice/

  3. I am so fascinated by hummingbirds. I've never seen one in my flowerbeds, but I think they're so pretty!

  4. Playing catch up today with blogs
    Aww our hummies just all left this past week , missing them already.
    Gorgeous fields of sunflowers I would be memorized definitely.


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