Sunday, March 13, 2022


 I made it through another cold winter week.  We had COVID hit the staff and students at the center making things stressful.  The cold snap didn't help.  Today was actually nice.  Ella and I celebrated.   I celebrated warm weather and Ella celebrated not having to wear her cone.  She had surgery on Tuesday to remove a growth on her leg and eyelid.  

It was a long week for all of us.  Our cabin isn't very big and poor Ella was miserable bouncing off of everything.  Her stitches itched and no matter what she tried to do it was uncomfortable.  
It snowed about every night this week.  It certainly hasn't been warm.  Driving to work has not been fun.
I'm dreaming about gardening, but it will be awhile.  I do enjoy standing in the greenhouse once in awhile and feeling the sun and smelling the earth.  It is a bit of a disaster right now.  I'll tidy it up next month.

I met some friends and co-workers on Saturday.  We enjoyed hot yoga, and afterwards a cup of coffee and some laughs.  It really perked my spirits.  Then to top it off my Jeep was ducked while I got groceries.  If you haven't heard about ducking Jeeps this story explains it better than I could:

I've been ducking Jeeps in the Deadwood area for a year and this is my first duck.  I was overjoyed. 

That is the extent of my week.   I'm happy to say that the cold weather and stressful days were balanced out by the warmth of friendship, a surprise from a stranger, and a cozy cabin with a loving husband.  

What keeps you balanced?


  1. Poor Ella -they really hate those cones don’t they. I’ve never heard of ducking. I thought it was some sort of vandalism. Take care in all that snow.

  2. I have seeds sprouting - a lot of them! I got over zealous~
    Also, have to share that I just ordered Foxgloves and Hedgehog Days :-)

  3. Never heard of duck duck jeep before. Very interesting and glad to hear after ducking jeeps you've been ducked too.
    No warmth here yet though snow that we have has been melting fast with warmer temps during the day.


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