Sunday, April 24, 2022


 I have one word for this weekend...


We lost power several times this weekend.  The wind was strong and incessant.  It blew a tree down on our power lines also making the road impassible. I'm not sure how much we ended up with.  We had grass showing in some area and many 3-4 foot drifts.  We probably got about 1 1/2 feet.  It was 60 degrees the day before.

On the bright side, I was able to made an elk pot pie and a cream pie before we lost power.

Grandma's Cream Pie

3/4 c. Sugar

3 1/2 T. Cornstarch

1/2 t. Salt

2 1/2 c. Milk 

2 eggs 

1 t. Vanilla

Dash of Nutmeg (that addition came from my great grandma, Mammie.)

Combine all ingredients, except the vanilla and nutmeg, in a sauce pan.  Stir over low heat until thick, remove from heat, add vanilla and nutmeg.  Pour into a graham cracker or baked pie crust.  Refrigerate until cool and enjoy.  Also excellent with cut up bananas on top.

Even with the power out, we have a gas stove and I was able to make some lotion bars.  I finally figured out how to make my gigantic chunk of beeswax more manageable.  I grated it.  Since there was no power, my husband even got in on the fun.

I am trying rice water for my hair.  I read that it is supposed to help with growth and shine.  Just let 1/2 c. white rice sit in 2 c. water overnight.  Strain and spray in hair.  I don't have the recipe for the lotion bars.  The sugar scrub is 1 c. sugar, 2 T. olive oil, 2 T. lemon juice, 4 drops of lemon grass oil, and 2 drops of eucalyptus oil.  Sprinkle in some lemon rind.  This is great rubbed on in the shower.  Be careful as it can make the shower floor slippery.  It does moisturize dry winter skin.

After a long weekend of snow, wind, shoveling, cutting up downed trees, cleaning, baking, I needed a spa day.  Thankfully the electricity came back on and I could do just that.

I did take a photo of my crocuses before they were crushed by the snow.

As I always say, "hope springs eternal.". Maybe next weekend will be nicer.  How was your weekend?  Any snow?  How about the wind?  Hope you were able to enjoy.


  1. Here I was expecting a spring garden post, but I found a blizzard. 😉 well, at least the snow will be good for the soil! There has been no snow here last week, but wow have we ever had strong winds!

  2. Oh, ick! We had 24 degree weather yesterday (celsius - hot!!) and are supposed to get snow in two days. Crazy. I'm quite certain that my grandmother used to make pudding that is the same as your pie filling. She called it by the very descriptive name, cornstarch pudding (ha ha). -Jenn

  3. I hope spring turns up soon. We had snow and wind too. But since we are in the valley, it just made for really lovely cool weather. I was afraid for my tomatoes and peppers, but they were okay. We will be in May by next weekend so maybe your spring weather will stay around. I love all of your recipes. Your pie looked wonderful too.

  4. No snow thankfully though it was forecast for us last week. Temps are very slowly rising and the sun is staying up longer.


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