Sunday, January 28, 2024

Come in, sit a spell, and warm up...

We tried to stay busy this weekend.  We burned some piles, cleaned house, and did numerous small projects.
I shoveled my way into the greenhouse to see what was going on inside.  It was 55 degrees and smelled of earth.  A nice place to sit for a spell.
I finished all of my blocks.  When I laid everything out, I came to the realization I may have gone overboard.   I have a lot more blocks than I think I need.
I am not a patient woman and quickly started piecing them together.  It is turning out better than I anticipated.  I found out quickly one has to be very aware as to which way the patches are turned when starting a row.  Why is it the only way I seem to learn is the hard way?

 Our cabin feels empty, but we have to keep moving forward.  Staying busy is all one can do.

How are things in your corner of the world?  Are you keeping busy?  


  1. Lovely quilt, and I know how you feel, we said good bye to our faithful Nell last year 25th Sept, and our home does feel empty, she was 14 1/2 and we miss her dreadfully. Love all the photos of Ella.

  2. It's always hard to lose our buddies! 😩...steady on.

  3. Impressed at how warm your greenhouse is/was! There is always a warm spot in the heart where our special pets live on 💕

  4. Sorry about Ella. Keeping busy is good. Here we have the bathroom re do in progress and so far so good.

  5. Now I think I need a greenhouse ugg lol. The quilt is lovely. We have been getting so much snow or ice.

  6. I've managed to comment by allowing third-party cookies. I was so sad to read about Ella. Losing a member of the family is hard and leaves an enormous


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