Sunday, February 4, 2024

Forward motion...

 This week I had a traffic jam on the way home from work.  I can handle this kind of traffic. 

Saturday morning was perfect.  It was warm and sunny.  I sat on the deck, enjoyed my morning coffee, and watched the nuthatches, chickadees, hairy woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, pine siskins, juncos, blue jays at the feeders.  I can't remember the last time I sat outside.  The new deck is wonderful.
My husband and I took several walks.  I have to admit they were frustrating, as the snow is rotten and there was ice everywhere.  It wasn't enjoyable and we really missed Ella.  We did admire this beautiful pine at the back of our property.  I wish I knew how old it is.
Despite the good weather, I was determined to finish my quilt top.  Here it is.  I was confident when I picked the fabrics.  While piecing it together, I began to question my color choices.  Now, I am extremely happy with the final outcome.  
Sunday was crazy.  I got up and sat on the deck with coffee.  The fog was slowly creeping up the valley.
It didn't take long and there was a light rain and everything around us was socked in with fog.  We stayed just above it.
Then as fast as it rolled in it rolled out.  The next thing I know and this afternoon I looked out the window the fog had disappeared, and the sun was shining.  I guess what they say is true, "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute and it will change."
I feel pretty productive this weekend.  We put some handrails up in the barn, I completed the quilt top, and bottled some grape wine.  I was also able to get a few walks in.  They were bittersweet, as the snow was rotten and Ella was missed greatly.

Have you been making progress on your winter projects?  Spring is around the corner.  Before you know it we will be gardening.


  1. Sitting on the deck watching the birds sounds idyllic. Bot much progress on winter jobs here

  2. I cleaned my rug hooking room and got some walks in. It is a beautiful week here higher than usual temps and sunny we went weeks with no sun.
    your quilt looks wonderful and I am sure you are glad it is done so you can use it.
    Have a great week


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