Sunday, October 2, 2016

Photo safari...

I have been super busy.  I gathered seeds, took photos, failed at caramel apple jam,  went bow hunting, and wandered around the yard taking photos.   
 These bees are were fighting over the hollyhocks.

 It is rare we have a monarch butterfly here.  This one did laps around the lawn and for fun dove through the sprinkler.
 This wooly caterpillar was headed towards the peak of the cabin.  He probably thought it was a wonderful tree.  I rescued him from disappointment and let him go in the woods.
That is what I saw on my yard safari.  What is wandering around your yard?


  1. Those hollyhocks are gorgeous! I haven't seen very many monarch butterflies this year. I keep hearing that their numbers are dwindling. -Jenn

  2. Lovely photos! You were blessed to see a Monarch. I have seen two very fleetingly this year. I too heard their numbers have dwindled. I believe there was an ice storm in Mexico that killed off many. Your flowers are so pretty. What is wandering around our yards right now is cats! And squirrels too as I watch one at one of the bird feeders.

  3. Wonderful photos today! Such amazing color and composition. It looks like you will have an amazing fall. I hope it lasts all of October.
    Nothing much in my yard yet, the trees are just starting to turn.
    Have a wonderful week.

  4. i tagged those monarchs last month at a variety of locations.Bow season started here last weekend, but it was too warm.wondered if you ever made hollyhock dolls. We had a big stand as a kid and I always like a few around my place.

  5. Pretty monarchs. I only saw one here this summer. Probably passing through to a better place. Here we have a great number of boxelder bugs and wasps. Not my favorites for a photo journal!

  6. I had to play catch-up with the posts I've missed, so much is happening at your garden. I loved the bell, the stand turned out perfectly! The apple harvest was indeed bountiful. Your autumn colors are stunning; so far this year we haven't seen much change. The hollyhocks are beautiful; try as I might, I can never get them to grow here. Fall is beautiful at your home.


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